2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I tried to find data on the average sentence for vehicular manslaughter in the US and it’s not easy to find. I found average effective sentence (sentence minus any portion suspended) in CT is 4.94 years. Take that for what it’s worth - can’t easily find anything better.

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Related to this, my daughter recently found out which (public) middle school she will be attending. This afternoon she asked if she could buy a hoodie with the school logo because other kids in her class are wearing merch from their schools.


That’s usually 90 days and a probation tail in our conservative anti-crime states.

Canada much stronger than expected!


The cost of college in USA #137 is truly fucking outrageous.

My kids both going to University of California and they are both getting enough grants/scholarship to cover more than tuition (which is about $14k/year) and what might be thought reasonable costs for housing (one in a dorm and one in an apartment), but the housing is pretty ridiculous.

One kid spent one year at a private university which was like $75k (about $50k got covered).

Not that I found much, but it was 5 years effective sentence in CT, which is probably lower than average. But carry on


My cousin, a repeat DUI offender, killed 2 people and was only away for about 5 years, so not that strong. I think it’s results oriented anyway. The penalties for impaired driving should be much more severe, and on a sliding scale with degree of impairment. 0.08% bac? Penalties similar to now. 0.2%? Prison time. 0.5%? Penalties similar to manslaughter.

If you’re driving at .5%, you’ve played your hand the same whether you kill anyone or not. The penalties should be equally severe.

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I agree, but it’s impossible to know the expected value of driving drunk so we’re kinda forced to be results oriented. I guess we could just be more sever about DUI and less severe about killing people, which would be more just but probably quite unpopular. We just can’t hope to get anywhere close to accurate.


And texting while driving is supposed to be even more dangerous than driving drunk!



The counterpoint is that prisons have produced some amazing literature. They’re like universities but for writing.


This is totally normal. Humans like to belong to a tribe, and tribal signaling through clothing is practically a universal human behavior. Look at all the shit that Rob Lowe got for wearing branded clothing that didn’t signal an allegiance to one of two tribes!


I live in Utah. What’s VPN? jk

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I want to hear from you, not me
Oh what I see
You ain’t nothing but the truth

Humans do love some tribal shit!