2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

While it feels good to no longer be incel. I’m going to miss all the friends and connections I’ve made. To all of you who have supported me over the years, thank you



Hasn’t passed yet but that’s some bullshit




The next reply they make is the best.

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(Trump meme)

Wow, I didn’t know that. He lived a tremendous life. Etc

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These dudes just live in an entirely different reality than I do. I think literally everything I’m wearing right now was purchased at a Kroger.


Leviticus 19:19

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Nah we don’t have one of those in my area, I just go to Kroger or Meijers.




To one who is deaf and blind the spiritual world offers no difficulty. Nearly everything in the natural world is as vague, as remote from my senses, as spiritual things seem to the minds of most people. But the inner or mystic sense, if you like, gives me vision of the unseen. . . . My mystic world is lovely with trees and clouds and stars and eddying streams I have never “seen.” I am often conscious of beautiful flowers and birds and laughing children where to my seeing associates there is nothing. They skeptically declare that I see “light that never was on sea or land.” But I know that their mystic sense is dormant, and that is why there are so many barren places in their lives. They prefer “facts” to vision.[7]


I can’t tell if that guy’s Twitter handle is because he really hates work wear or if he’s just German


I was just reading this article about some dude in the Netherlands who has at least 550 biological children through donations to multiple sperm banks. The legal issues weren’t of much interest. It just seemed weird that a dude who is no doubt very good looking and intelligent ended up living a life where he needed to donate sperm. Maybe he was just unlucky in life despite crushing the genetic lottery so hard or maybe he was doing it for reasons other than money. Just seems weird.

When people get donated sperm, do they look into the person who donated it? Is that why you assume that he is good looking and intelligent?

Prospective parents (at least in the States) get to see and choose from among donators’ profiles. Also, the sperm isn’t really “donated.” It’s bought and sold by reproductive centers.

Well, obviously. You think they don’t? They will just accept any random person?

Here’s a link from a sperm bank on the selection process:

If anyone out there wants their child to have great beard growing abilities and be very tall I’d be willing to donate my sperm. I can also offer medicore intelligence and a very lazy/laid back personality but I don’t view that as a negative.


Thought you got paid for donating sperm.

Kinda like plasma

You get paid in free pornography, or so I’ve heard.

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So you get the PornHub URL on a QR code and off to a dark room!

Yeah, you definitely get paid. I remember when I was in college, there were ads. Not as much as eggs, but you’ll still get paid something.

Despite the fact that you get paid, everyone calls them sperm and egg donors.