2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)



Last financial report had them with a little over 4 billion in cash on hand, so the settlement is real money, but they should be ok (at least in terms of being able to cut this check… IF settling hurts their business in some way through loss of viewers/advertiser I guess that could be a more existential issue, but that’s an IF)

I think they keep a couple of billion dollars in cash just to cover their weekly sexual harassment lawsuits.


Yeah this is a TON of money but from their perspective it’s like 20 O’Reillys

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Lots of shitlibs rolling with “missed opportunity” or “they need to apologize on air,” what brain dead morons the audience absolutely knows they’re being lied to it’s why they love it so much

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Yeah but they don’t like being reminded they’re morons who are being lied to.


You’ve all convinced me to hate watch Fox News for a yet to be determined amount of time. Some crazy looking blonde lady on now whining about Lockdown Lunacy. It’s Gutfeld!, so don’t look for too many updates.

ETA: apparently lockdown had beneficial impacts re: climate change when we all stopped driving. smh.

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that’s not funny

FoxNews takes in over $1B per quarter in cable access fees. I doubt this is going to sting that much.

Had to go look this up because I want to see who’s ultimately getting the $$$ here. Staple Street Capital is the PE firm that owns Dominion (bought back in 2018),

The co-founders of Staple Street Capital, Stephen D. Owens and Hootan Yaghoobzadeh, are veterans of The Carlyle Group and Cerberus Capital Management, respectively, and first worked together in Carlyle’s US Buyout Group starting in 1998. Our team has completed over 100 transactions involving complicated corporate carve outs, operational turnarounds, management led buyouts, public-to-privates, restructurings, refinancings and/or recapitalizations.

“Stephen Owens” looks like an AI-generated PE douchebag


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What the hell is “I love Jews, please don’t close my accounts”?

Our ndp proposed the smartest idea for a tax I’ve heard in a long time. Basically the higher the difference between the CEO and median worker salaries the higher the tax. The lower the lower. Just brilliant.


Is this Dominion deal the biggest payment in the history of defamation suits that we know of?

Certainly one of the biggest, especially in terms of the amount ultimately collected.

While the terms of out-of-court settlements are not always revealed, the Fox-Dominion deal immediately enters the upper echelon of publicly disclosed damages and other payouts in defamation cases.

Perhaps the only larger penalty came in November, when a jury ordered the Infowars conspiracy broadcaster Alex Jones to pay more than $1.4 billion to families of victims of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Connecticut.

Before that landmark verdict, many of the largest publicly disclosed penalties for defamation were in the low nine figures. In 2017, for example, ABC News reached a settlement with Beef Products Inc., which had sued for defamation over an ABC News report about a processed meat product known as “pink slime.” Months later, ABC’s owner, the Walt Disney Company, disclosed in a financial filing that it had paid $177 million in settlement costs. A lawyer said at the time that the actual settlement amount was higher because Disney’s insurers were also on the hook for some of the payout.

Twenty years earlier, a federal jury in Texas awarded $222 million to a brokerage firm that had sued Dow Jones & Company, the publisher of The Wall Street Journal, claiming a 1993 article in The Journal contained false statements that harmed the brokerage’s business. But the damages were thrown out in subsequent court proceedings.

I understand Dominion taking the settlement but getting Murdoch & Co under oath on the stand would have been amazing.

So does Smartmatic also settle for half of their $2.7B suit amount or do they figure they can do better than Dominion?


Big talk.

That is a cool fucking name

