2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

“His Holiness wishes to apologise to the boy and his family, as well as his many friends across the world, for the hurt his words may have caused,” the apology tweeted on the Dalai Lama’s account says.

"His Holiness often teases people he meets in an innocent and playful way, even in public and before cameras.


Just finished a week long federal drug trial as a juror. First time being a juror for anything. Found the guy not guilty.


You let a drug fiend go free?

Drug trafficker more like it.

I know you’re not supposed to talk about the case,

Could you tell us some details about the case? :joy: :rofl:

Circumstances of the arrest, how much weight did he have, etc

Did you find him not guilty because of a procedural thing, did the police overstep their authority? Etc

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This is:

  • a mental breakdown
  • disguised homelessness
  • the future and they’re smart to get comfortable with it now
  • the future and they’re dumb for not enjoying normal wasteful life while they still can
0 voters

You forgot bastard which seems like the only right answer

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Why can’t he? I’ve heard jurors talking about cases all the time. Are those jurors all breaking the rules?

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Just reading between the lines here, it sounds like Huehuecoyotl was paid by the gang to vote for acquittal. I’m sure they don’t what him chattering about that.


You can talk about the case after the trial. Just during the trial you’re not supposed to talk about it.

The case was the DEA was investigating LSD sold on the dark web. They ended up finding 15 kilos of coke and flipped the low level drug dealers and a month later attempted some recorded phone calls stings on their alleged supplier from the flipped drug dealers. The defendant or more likely someone associated with the defendant was monitoring Pacer though and send the defendant the indictments a week after the drug dealers were indicted so the wiretapped phone calls didn’t go anywhere.

The DEA arrest the defendant and attempt to get him on conspiracy to traffic based on the testimony of the flipped drug dealers.

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Interesting. Seems like a rare outcome. I’ve heard from several law bros that if the feds actually take you to trial, the odds that defendant are going to win are extremely slim. Don’t remember the exact stats, but this guy really beat the odds.

If I’m a jurist on a federal case I’m voting not guilty on any case flimsier than any of the potential cases against Trump that are apparently too weak to prosecute.


I was juror on a case where some gay guy had been bullied for months in his neighborhood and eventually flipped and punched someone.

That someone may or may not have been involved in the bullying.

The lawyers were like “you cant take the bullying into account”

Me: fuck that. Not guilty


That’s kind of my point. Feds apparently never take anything to trial unless they think it’s a lead pipe lock.

@Huehuecoyotl , you think it would have been not guilty if you weren’t there and instead the other 11 deliberated on their own?

Here, based on my extensive viewing of Law and Order, that sort of thing is a matter of law and the judge will rule on the issue without the jury present. If you truly can’t take it into account, then the judge would not allow it to even be presented. And if you can, then it can be presented and I guess one side can try to persuade you to ignore it.

Also, with a gay defendant, there is probably a 99% chance a prosecutor here would get anyone with a trans family member thrown out.

I only made it as far as voir dire once. They don’t tell you exactly what the case is, but from the questions it became clear that the defendant, a man, had been arrested for prostitution during a sting the cops had set up. The sting involved video and audio recording, but it had malfunctioned during the interaction with the defendant so all they had was the cops’ testimony. This was before I was a fully woke moralist, but I was still like “no, I’m not going to just take the cops word for it” and the ADA removed me from the jury. I believe the specific question was something like “Do you believe police always tell the truth?” or something insane like that.

Fully woke moralist responds yes to that and then gets on the jury to make damn sure that shit doesn’t fly.




Weird. Yeah. I cant really remember if they reviewed us or asked us questions. It certainly wasnt like I see on tv.

This was in the UK.