2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)


Lol Watergate being Gen-X. That’s just dumb. I’m on the older end of Gen-X and I barely remember it.

It’s 9/11. But if we have to cede that to Millennials, then it’s probably Challenger or John Lennon getting shot.

But for Gen-X it should really be something inane and pointless like “Where’s the Beef?”


63 69 72 01 is probably not a perfect way of dividing up four generations, no.


That’s beyond idiotic. The Boomers moment happened like 3 years before the Gen X moment.

Gen X is 1965 to 1980. Half of Gen X (including me) wasn’t even born yet.

Yeah I remember adults saying “Watergate” a lot and had no idea what they were talking about other than it was boring. I assumed it had something to do with water.

You could maybe say Challenger for Gen X, but I would still go 9/11

If it’s gonna be something shallow, maybe MTV.

It has to be ironic.

Berlin wall?


Yeah, in terms of major events that changed the world, I think it has to be this one.

I’d still go with Challenger or 9/11 since I think the avg person is more likely to remember where they were.


Challenger, maybe.

Gotta disagree with 9/11. The oldest Gen Xers were in their mid 30s. Seems kinda weird for that to be their moment. It would be like calling COVID the Millennials moment.

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Ok yeah, was thinking backwards on age.

We watched the Challenger live in 3rd grade class.


The series finale of Seinfeld.

The trial of OJ Simpson.


Pubic hair.

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Magic Johnson making us all wear condoms.


Staying with parents update: my mom feels the need to tell me how good the ice cream with caramel sauce is, like it hasn’t been calling my name from inside the fridge all day. You’re talking up water in the desert mom, really no need.

It’s like being a recovering crack addict and going to stay at a crack house.


My freshmen year in college, I stayed in the dorm that somehow ended up with a disproportionate amount of derelicts.

When the verdict was announced, heads spontaneously filled up the halls and mass celebration ensued. Pretty surreal in hindsight.

Kind of weird that your ice cream is in the fridge instead of the freezer.


Oh man that’s awful to hear. I remember the Rasmo Bros from twoplustwo Sporting Events.