2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

You’re so together, boyee. De donde?

Quite successful tourney player as part of Shaun deebs group back in the day right

And if it’s Amazon they will just charge every card they have on file until they find one that works.

Double plus good discussion. Is the language almost perfect?



My bad for giving bad credit card advice. I was just going off of when I got my new card and didn’t update anything. Then saw something about old cards being fine for recurring payments and thought I was a genius.

Been in SoCal for a while. There’s one a mile or so from my house that opened in 2010. There’s one I’ve commented on in Downtown LA that’s just a few blocks from skid row/mission district where people can dig for food in the trash outside a posh dog food store.

Seems like a security feature. Why even have an expiration date if you don’t have to do it?

The expiration date prevents new purchases reliably but not recurring ones. Seems like that covers the security concern.

I’ve lived and socialised widely in the most cosmopolitan city in Europe for decades, and you’re talking bollocks yet again.

Good thing I’ve witnessed your misanthropic posting for years so I’m not shocked that no one is that interested in asking you about yourself or vice versa.

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Why is Apple Store appointment check in person a job? Their whole job could be accomplished with an iPad on a pedestal for self checkin.

The gradient on the scale here is heinous


An iPad can’t answer questions?

I’d suggest that if you’re moving in circles where 99% of the time people are asking you where you’re from in the first 5 minutes of meeting you, you’re moving in the wrong circles.

The good news is that imaginary circles are easy to redraw.

I’m not 100% sure, but I don’t think I’ve ever asked. Been asked plenty.

What about a non-white person asking another non-white person where they are from?

May need Mosdef to lend some insight on the appropriateness of “average age at death” and county level aggreagations for this kind of comparison.