2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Thank you for going back and reading.

The point in was trying to make was that this is the context. Anyone you ask “where are you from” has had hundreds of interactions on this topic. Some of which are shitty.

That’s context we should take into consideration when asking what we think is a harmless question.

And these were posted at someone who posted “lmao” at the word “interrogation”.

Where you from?

Why are you asking that

Well I ask every white person without a discernable accent

And yeah. In hindsight I probably need to ask those questions less frequently than I do.

My wife was born in Texas to one Chinese parent and one Tibetan parent. She was very regularly asked “where are you from” or told that her “English is so good.” When her grandparents took her to the Chinese grocery store, the workers there would often ask “what are you?” She didn’t understand why Chinese people didn’t think she was Chinese until she asked her parents about it. Obviously she didn’t like any of that.

I have known several asian actors who would get incensed when asked by casting the exact nature of their heritage. And I’ve known at least two who would use a different last name depending on whether the casting was looking for ethnically Korean, Chinese, etc.

When looking for actors for commercials that would run in multiple foreign asian markets, they’d usually specifically look for actors of mixed/unidentifiable asian background. That way, somebody in Korea, for example, might understand that the person wasn’t 100% ethnically Korean, but wouldn’t see them as Japanese/Chinese etc.

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How is it 2023 and I have to go and individually update every payment account when my credit card expiry date changes?

Because we haven’t yet mastered the art of delicate and respectful nuanced cultural understanding and discussion, and the powers that be are offended.

I can only assume you’ve never lived in a major city before if you believe this. It’s really a question that’s asked 99% of the time within 5 minutes of meeting someone new regardless of what either person looks like.

I lived in SF for 5 years and can think of 3 people my age I met who grew up in the city. Everyone was from somewhere else.

In LA maybe 1/3 of the people I know grew up somewhere in the area, the other 2/3 from elsewhere.

In KC it would be 90-95% grew up here.

I was in SF last weekend and probably got asked this 10 times (I’m a white man with no foreign accent).

Where are you from?

It’s actually often a tricky question for me to answer because where I was born, where I grew up, and where I live now are 3 separate places.

Just don’t do it. Almost all of them wil continue to work and you can update the ones that don’t.

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Too late spent 2.5 hours doing it. Some you can’t do online in 2023. Lololol I’ll do those in the week I guess on the phone like it’s 1983.

Thinking about it I get asked some form of where I’m from a lot. It’s a little hard to explain since I lived in more than a dozen places growing up in seven different states…and like Suzzer says, in CA it’s rare for an adult you meet (in some socioeconomic circles) to have grown up here. It would still be weird to just lead with that question though. Surely some people are way out of line, some a little, some intentional, some accidental, it’s just something to consider. It’s silly to make some kind or hard rules about this and it’s silly to get reactionary and defensive about it.

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It depends big time, to the point some people will experience most of theirs not working. And most of the ones that keep working, they do have a certain date n months after expiration when they stop working.

I just had one that never told me. So I went in yesterday to cancel because I wasn’t wanting to pay for this partial service disruption with no good explanation. So when I got to the final step of cancelation, finally I saw it, for some reason right above the link to REALLY FOR REAL CANCEL NOW AFTER WE’VE ASKED YOU THIS 6 TIMES ALREADY, was a message saying my card which had expired like a year ago, was going to stop working for the service on March 16, 2023. And I was like shit, let’s just see what updating the expiration does. Got full service back immediately.

Pretty much everyone sends you some kind of escalating series of warnings if your card doesn’t work whether that’s because of an expired card or because you’re broke and the payment didn’t go through. Large sample size here. I can’t think of anyone who ever just cut anything off because of one payment.

Not sure where this should go



Who is thayler?

THAY3R on 2p2.