2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Tell her you want a vegan burger with bacon.


Bad experience with a screaming kid orrr registered sex offender


I’m sure that ignoring your experiences with talking to folks in real life to taking the advice from some rando on twitter is +EV.

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Cut off a child’s ear


I rarely witness a white man’s interrogation of a POC that is going anything like the white man’s perception of how it’s going


Any response other than “anything is fine” results in 10x more questions and rarely achieves what I wanted.

Meanwhile I’ve reached the point in the vacation that all I can think about is getting back to my routine in LA so I’m not eating 5,000 calories per day.

It’s been a movie and TV trope for like 50 years now, about how completely out of touch you have to be to ask someone their ethnicity and frame it as where they’re from, ok no, then where are your parents from, ok no, then where are your grandparents from

Sure, but everyone is different and everyone’s interaction and perception of that interaction will be different.

I don’t think that there is a universal bad faith angle when asking that question (suzzers case) as well as it it being taken as disrespectful from everyone.

Maybe I’m just making assumptions about KC people, but I’d just go barbecue every day. Macros aren’t even that bad.

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people are so fucked. the guy that won the auction understood the girl got attached and was fine with the mom repaying him what he bid. all’s well, right?

nope. the fucking fair didn’t think that was “the way to teach responsibility” to the girl, and got the cops to get a warrant to get the goat.

fuck you. i hope they get a good jury, i’d bankrupt that county fair if given the chance…


i woulda busted up laughing, what’s in your genome ahahaha stfu

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“nucleotides, homey”

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Correct, which is why it’s probably not reliable to judge it by how you’re feeling as you’re asking it. None of the cringey people think they are cringe, but here you are arguing for the asker to just rely on feeling that they’re not being cringe.

Dangerous game, when you could just not prioritize your own curiosity in this situation. If you’re prioritizing conversation and bonding, there’s a million more effective ways with fewer opportunities for cringe.

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Lots of people will really appreciate you not steering a conversation in that direction. And the ones who want to bring up their own ethnicity, don’t worry, they’ll soon have the opportunity

After a few days of BBQ my colon starts to complain.

For me it has zero to do with curiosity, and everything to do with breaking the ice and trying to talk about a potential mutual point of interest.

I find people from Mexico and Central America are usually kind of surprised that I’ve been to where they grew up and can bring up some kind of local attraction or unique food item. Most people are proud of that kind of stuff. I think my love for the place comes out pretty quickly and puts them at ease.

I still have stickers from Mexico and every country in Central America on the back of my car. The only people who have ever asked about them are people from one of those countries. They’re usually fascinated that I drove there and want to hear about the trip.

But I am going to be thinking about it next time and probably not be as quick to bring it up.

Theres lots of ways to ask.

Hey where did you grow up.
Is that an x accent (you need to be good for this one)
What is your family heritage?

Where are you from. Very different.

if i’m around where i grew up, i usually go with “you from here?” to the people that obviously are and obviously aren’t.