2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)


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“de donde cabrón”

Yes, I’ve noticed this too

I didn’t read either article but asking where someone is from can be done without asking “Where are you really from” or asking it repeatedly. I don’t think anyone really supports doing it in those ways.

But if you’re not an asshole, it’s still perfectly normal thing to ask to someone you meet.

Along the same lines, I met a white boomer dude with a name like Bill O’Reilly who mentioned that he observes Ramadan. Am I allowed to inquire further about that? I didn’t, despite my curiosity being off the charts.

Have you considered the fact that you’re not as self-aware as you think you are? How much unintentional offense have you given?

Well, the other angle on this is that when you have just met someone that also means they know nothing about you. It’s a good social skill to avoid saying anything that might be misconstrued as offensive when you have just met someone because otherwise you are asking them to give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren’t a Caucasian neanderthal. Just spend a bit of time establishing that you deserve the benefit of the doubt before putting them in an awkward position, IMO.


Well, it’s not literally the first thing that comes out of my mouth. But sometime in the first 10 min is pretty common for me.

I like to lead with “Hey, I wish I could have voted for Obama three times!” to establish my bona fides.
Then I can immediately follow with “Anyway, where are you really from?”


Another win for leftism! Make sure to refer to them as Latinx so that they really know you’re on their side and won’t be insulting them.

April Fool’s is the WOAT

It’s so fun reading stuff today having to constantly ask if it’s just some unfunny bullshit.

(1% of April fool’s stuff is ok I guess, needs to be obvious quickly it’s a joke and be high quality)

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I sense some natural tension here.

I do love a good practical joke but the key is everyone has to find it funny.

I feel like people who can make genuinely funny jokes can get away with it any time they want pretty much. April first is the only day those of us who are humorless and cruel can ply our trade without penalty. Is that too much to ask?

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Cliff’s: Girl/family get a goat to enter into a 4H program at the fair. At the conclusion of the program the goats are supposed to be auctioned and slaughtered. Girl, however, falls in love with goat and doesn’t want it to die. Family tries to bargain with the fair, but:

Instead, officials reached out to the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office. Armed with a search warrant, detectives drove more than 500 miles across Northern California in search of the goat.

According to the search warrant, deputies believed Cedar was staying at Bleating Hearts Farm and Sanctuary in Napa County, based on the fact that the sanctuary had posted on Instagram its support for Long and urging people to call the Shasta District Fair to convince them to spare Cedar. But Long had taken Cedar to a farm in Sonoma County because she and her family live in a residential area in Shasta County and are unable to keep farm animals there.

Echoing language used when law enforcement search a home for drugs, the warrant allowed deputies to “utilize breaching equipment to force open doorway(s), entry doors, exit doors, and locked containers” and to search all rooms, garages and “storage rooms, and outbuildings of any kind large enough to accommodate a small goat.”

Cedar was taken and slaughtered.

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I don’t think they went far enough, throw the kid in the slammer, too, IMO.


Slow pony, but this is definitely a must read. Some important parts not in cliffs:

–Dude who won the auction was perfectly happy to give the goat back and get a refund. Girl’s mom was perfectly happy reimburse fair for lost auction fees ~$40.
–Warrant specifically said not to slaughter the goat once it was repossessed, but to hold it pending a hearing, but they snap killed it immediately.

There is still more craziness I’m leaving out.

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