2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

The guy had broken ribs and a concussion. He claimed he had impaired cognition due to the accident, while Paltrow’s defense was that the guy had pre-existing conditions and was old, with one expert witness saying the man had potential dementia consistent with what might have to someone in his 70s.

This is fucked up. It’s not as simple as she’s putting it, but still fucked up.



What in the fuck



I don’t know, Juice. I’m guessing at some point you complained–even if just a little bit-- about that jury verdict that you totally respected but completely disagreed with.



Paltrow’s defense is that the guy ran into her.


I do this if someone is Hispanic and has an accent because I’ve been all over Mexico and every country in Central America and there’s a good chance I’ve been through or near their hometown.

Most of the time I think people can tell I’m coming from a good place and are fine with it. But every now and then someone bristles. Now that I’m aware they don’t like it, I guess I need to stop doing it.

Mayor of Eggshell City, yikes.

I need a trigger warning for that tweet

lol This is the first question you ask when you meet someone regardless of color or race. I’ve literally uttered this phrase thousands of times and don’t remember a single negative reaction. No one is mad about this outside of twitter.

Of course it’s different if you say “Where are you REALLY from” or try to (badly) guess based on the color of their skin or something.


Where are you from?


No, I mean where are you REALLY from?

I was born and raised in LA

Okay but where were your parents from tho?

And keep going in this manner until you finally get an answer and say “ahhhhh okay”


That’s some really dumb advice to follow. The correct answer is that it depends on a variety of factors, the foremost being execution. I’d trust your judgement over hers.

my partner was once asked what’s in her “genome”. it was offensive, but really 100x more weird than offensive. especially since it was said with dozens of strangers around.

  • also did not happen in the us.

Happy casual shabbat Friday


Staying with parents update: My mom asks me approximately 739 questions/day related to breakfast, lunch or dinner. 99% of the time my answer is “I don’t care, anything is fine.”

I ate a piece of pizza at the mall today and my parents want to get pizza tonight. This is causing a major hubbub. Unclear if I’ll survive eating pizza for two meals in a row.


Bleh! Vat is going on in this thread?


I’ve seen your picture. You don’t look Jewish.

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Even if you don’t care, give a direct answer as though you care. Your mom values your input and doesn’t want to make all the decisions. “I want pasta salad, mom” would make her day.



Unless she’s doing it the way my gf does it, which is to ask me what I want to eat so that I rattle off a bunch of foods that she vetos until one finally sounds good to her.


My wife asks me what I want for dinner before she goes shopping and then comes back with something completely different. These days I just joke about it knowing I will rarely get what I asked for anyway.