2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

“And money to pay attorney fees”

You are slow at flipping channels

Response time is .25 seconds. Finding and getting to the remote is the killer.

300K is a waste of everyone’s time?

I believe he started at 3.5 million and the court lowered the amount he could seek. They are both rich so this is just a pissing contest.

this could turn into an Oscar winning movie script if she wind the case but ends up curing his dementia with Goop products.


Gun to my head I’m siding with the doc. The son’s testimony is just too convenient.

You are also not wearing shoes. So obviously the analogy doesnt work.

Ffs. What even is an analogy?

Jury has spoken. Gwyneth is victorious.


Ya got GOOPed, bitches.


I’m still not sure what happened. Someone ran into someone, I think? But I don’t know who ran into whom, what the results were, etc

Are you @wiper or is that a coincidence?

Pretty much he said, she said, so no one really knows.

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Did anybody require medical treatment

Coincidence. If my name is too close to another regs’ handle, I don’t mind tweaking mine. I’m not that attached to it and I mostly lurk anyway.

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Thank you OJ


Just incredible. “Here’s my very strong opinion on the Paltrow case. Ok onto the Trump case: nobody should give a shit about anybody’s opinion of any case”


wtf no. he’s been here since 2020?!? don’t remember seeing a Wipers before, hopefully he’s not a shmuck.


Not a schmuck, at least I don’t think so. The name is just a twist on my real last name because I couldn’t come up with something clever.

I don’t mind changing it. If a mod who can make change wants to message me, I can send an alternative.

I think the guy broke some ribs. Paltrow initially thought she was being sexually assaulted. That’s about the limit of my knowledge of the case.

I have bruised ribs in falls, including while skiing. The guy is older so not surprising that could happen even if he just fell over.

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nah you’re good man, no worries. weird coincidence is all. :+1:t3:

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Cool, if you change your mind just let me know.