2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Hard to imagine that the founder of Goop could be lying.


That was my attitude going in, but if someone told me they had a tape of the incident, and I was forced to bet on who was telling the truth, Iā€™m probably betting on her story being whatā€™s on the tape. Again, I havenā€™t really been following it that closely.

Of course the kids could be lying but it seems like yelling what the fuck at a grandpa who just got knocked out cold is not something you would do if it was your fault? Doesnā€™t seem like it would be hard for an absolutely filthy rich famous person to take responsibility for their actions if they actually caused the crash. Anyways no way to really know without a video of the incident.

i havenā€™t followed at all but my instincts is that everyone involved is horrible.

I read a few stories and my impression was that it was an old guy who thinks that a ski accident is causing his cognitive decline when maybeā€¦heā€™s just getting old?

Itā€™s been a while since I skiid but I crashed into lots of people and other people crashed into me.

If I got injured in one of those bumps, I would have just accepted it and claimed on my insurance.

Edit. No. No I was not good at skiing.

Been a while since Iā€™ve snowboarded and Iā€™ve never crashed into anyone or had anyone crash into me, and Iā€™d want to absolutely kill a mother fucker if they crashed into me and I broke 3 ribs and got a concussion.

That seems extreme given youā€™ve chosen to undertake a sport where accidents are not uncommon.

I mean thereā€™s a difference between two people who donā€™t see each other and collide while skiing and some dipshit who canā€™t stop themselves and ends up bombing a hill straight into you while youā€™re putting on your skis and getting into the lift line.

And ya it would be really weird of me to murder someone with my bare hands considering Iā€™ve never been in a fight in my life and am just saying shit on the internet.

But I really do believe that Iā€™m pretty aware while snowboarding and donā€™t put myself in many positions to get wrecked by irresponsible morons. Even some of the more ridiculous and one sided crashes I see on Instagram (algorithm knows I love ski sends and fails) I wonder what the victim was even doing in that spot.

HOLD UP! Are you trying to tell me that some tough talk on the internet is just hollow posturing? What?!?!?!



Iā€™m the only NY Rangers fan in Ontario, Iā€™m not that hard to find.

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Iā€™m a bit late to the party here, butā€¦

Yeah. I donā€™t care at all if I get scolded for speech or whatever. I care because I donā€™t think it achieves anything and I think itā€™s basically gatekeeping for education and a huge distraction to actually achieving anything in left-wing politics.

Once again I should caveat this with the fact that obviously, often being critical of how society operates is useful. The question is whether navel-gazing criticism can ever be harmful, on which I am a huge yes and on which Rugby and AQ areā€¦ well I have no idea, actually.

This analogy doesnā€™t operate at all because we are in a public forum here, not on your property.

could be hard to find either of us considering weā€™re both using digital blackface to hide our true identities


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Or, as happened once irl.

Person A takes an emergency shit in a public phone booth but unknown to him his clean up isnā€™t totally successful. In fact he has shit half way up his back.

Person B informs him of this and suggests he goes home for a quick shower.

Person A refuses, claiming heā€™s being treated poorly.

Paltrow thing is a huge story in Utah. I personally dgaf but snippets get through before I can switch channels. This apparently happened on a bunny hill. Gtfooh.

Your honor, the defendant clearly french fried when they should have pizzaā€™d!


In case you all think this is some multimillion dollar
Lawsuit, he is suing for $300k and she is counter suing for $1.

Itā€™s just a big waste of everyoneā€™s time and a way to make two sets of lawyers money.

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And money to pay attorney fees.