2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

That’s probably part of the issue. These cushy lifetime appointments aren’t viewed as the start of a new career, they’re a reward for a past career and/or for saying the right things and cozying up to the right people.

Dunno whether it’s the case for this instance, but I bet there are plenty who don’t think they should have to try at all.

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Who will judge the judges imo.

Keed you must not be hip with it. The modern strategy is to go full Office Space. Even at a judicial nomination?


Sounds like there is some serious shit starting up in Syria.

I’ve reached my limit for the day. Going for a walk.


I thought this was a really good read. It’s not really about fetishization so don’t take what I quote as the whole thesis of the article but I quote it because as I was reading this was what I was thinking and then boom she wrote what I was thinking

The fetish, I think, troubles us because it relocates what feels so particular to the realm of the abstract and general. I am me, eccentric and exasperating with all of my specific tics and neuroses, but the fetish makes me an Asian woman , with all of the abstractions encompassed by “Asian” and “woman” (submissive, ornamental). Ironically, writing white-male/Asian-female relationships as a paranoid script commits the same sin: it provides an infrastructure that invites stories about abstractions rather than living, breathing people

OK I’m trying this thing but it seems like the floss is thinner. It’s like I’m jamming a knife into my gums. And the single-use plastic element of it weighs on me. This may be the thing that gets me to just use regular floss.

Water pik that attaches to the shower head is the way to go, imo. I first heard about it on 22, but it’s a real game changer.

If I lived with a woman I might think twice about using it to clean my teeth. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think you’re safe. That thing is powerful AF. It’s like a pressure washer for your teeth and you can’t turn it down. Ain’t no one gonna be using it for anything else.

Also there are multiple tips for each user. You just switch them out when you are using it.

Sucks they weren’t a hit for you.

Were you flossing before? Are your gums inflamed? I had a little bit of bleeding when I started using them but it was because I wasn’t flossing and my gums were swollen.

I get the single-use plastic argument but for me it’s either I use this or I can’t floss my molars. On the plus side, these things are super small compared to something like a water bottle and I don’t have any

We have a water pik (not attached to shower head) and it does not do a good job of flossing, especially my molars. It has some very high pressure settings that hurt my gums if I go that high.

Also, how many showers do you take daily? I personally don’t want to shower every time I need to brush and floss my teeth.

I take about 1.5 showers per day on average. But I pretty much only floss (i.e. water pik) once a day even if I shower twice. I do brush in the shower too, but I’ll brush outside of the shower as well. Flossing is limited to the shower. I think flossing even once a day is pretty good.

I do have some of those floss sticks for when something is obviously stuck in my teeth.



Unfortunately I just finished watching an Adam Sandler movie and now I’m a raging anti-Semite.


Watch a Paul Rudd movie to turn it back around.

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Cancel culture defenders in shambles

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Holy shit Maynard looks olllllllllllllllld

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