2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

You should watch the Billy Corgan one, ostentatious as ever, occasionally charming and old and doughy

The rockers from the 90s are that.

Saw a recording of a live performance of Rammstein on YouTube and Till had a gut. Happens to us all.

Shit, I regret not getting tickets to his show last year.

Undertow was released 30 years ago. Did you expect him to be in his mid-40s or something?

Shit I have definitely posted some of these memes

If you’re Black and you’ve shared such images online, you get a pass. But if you’re White, you may have inadvertently perpetuated one of the most insidious forms of contemporary racism.

If you’re still not sure how to define digital blackface, Jackson offers a guide. She says it “includes displays of emotion stereotyped as excessive: so happy, so sassy, so ghetto, so loud… our dial is on 10 all the time — rarely are black characters afforded subtle traits or feelings.”




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The rare NYT opinion piece that doesn’t belong in that other thread.

I get why they do it, hitting the right key words triggers people to pay attention, but the same keywords make people dismiss the argument. Saying something is “digital blackface” is just asking to get made fun of. Like if you look past the bs there’s a glimmer of an idea that people passing around exaggerations of black people could be bad by reifying stereotypes just like blackface was basically the meme-ification of black people back in the day. But a normal argument would be caveated and basically say, you know most people most of the time don’t mean anything by it but we should always take a look back and make sure you’re not poking fun at people. Just like memes about autistic or “retarded” people could be seen as hurtful now.


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Does CNN even know any black people?

There are bears in there ? 🥲


SAEN has taken issue with WSU’s animal research practices in the past. In 2016, the group called on the U.S. Department of Agriculture to fine the university, citing the deaths of at least 15 grizzly bears over a six-year period

No. The whole argument is bullshit. The whole point of memes is that they are comically exaggerated regardless of who or what it is. That’s what makes them so endearing in the first place. What next? Are people who use the emotional damage meme anti-Asian?

The article is just trying to fabricate the next racist trend the kids are doin’ and get it viral on social media to draw engagement and it’s probably working.

developing a way for me to sleep all the way from november to april is worth 1000 bear deaths


Youngs and cools - is this a good lineup? It seems kinda meh to me. But I’m old and not cool.

A Kpop band headlining the biggest night seems odd to me, but im certainly not connected to what ia good music nowadays

I’ve heard of more of those bands than I usually do on those posters, which has to be bad news for them.

Is there a band called Idris Elba, or is the actor Idris Elba performing at Coachella?

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