2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

That part of Queensland has the oldest continuously surviving rainforest in the world. So there’s all kinds of weird ancient plants still living there.

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Kennedy is a troll. He asks these questions because he knows they haven’t dealt with these issues since con law in law school in most cases and he thinks it makes him look super serious (he is not).

He did it to some Trump nominees, sure. Bet your ass he still voted for them.

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Absolutely. Actual practicing lawyers find this line of questioning pathetic. It’s how bad lawyers conduct examinations.

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Florida, Israel, whatever


Some good comments.


Yeah if you don’t know Brady or Terry you better have never been involved with any criminal case ever


lol so perfect


the guy who didn’t know what a motion in limine was was withdrawn from consideration after Kennedy’s questioning.

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Yeah, that’s why I was asking. I don’t really have a good handle on how terrible this particular lack of knowledge is.

Article II, though? I mean, come on.

It is obviously incorrect to deduce that the candidate doesn’t “know anything about criminal law” based on the response to the Brady question.

That’s exactly what I would conclude, just like I would conclude someone doesn’t know anything about football if they didn’t know what a first down is.

I don’t think one needs to be a criminal law pro to be nominated as a federal judge (too many prosecutors already), but I do think there’s some value in being aware of the basics.


Actual practicing lawyers focus on their practice areas/niche. If you’re not a criminal lawyer, which this guy wasn’t, then Brady is not even on your radar.

A better football analogy would be concluding someone knows nothing about football because they don’t immediately express familiarity with Tampa 2/shell coverage.





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Bids begin March 27.




My street in Toronto is in downtown, but it’s a dense residential neighborhood with a posted 30km.hr speed limit. People that are not used to dense walkable neighborhoods complain about this all the time because they are used to and demand 50km/hr multilane roads for their cars and insist that bikes and pedestrians and dogs and children don’t belong on the road.

The city ended up putting speed bumps on the road because people would insist on blasting down the street at 55km/hr. People STILL refuse to believe the posted 30km/hr limit and slam into the speed bumps all the time.


Right. If you were nominated to the federal bench, you’d think you’d take a week and review summaries of all the landmark supreme court cases, skim the constitution, review the federal rules of civil procedure. I don’t know. Show that you’re serious about what you’re going to devote the next 30 or 40 years of your working life to.