2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Just a byproduct of the dunk/pwn/soundbyte world we live in now. Can’t imagine why talented people want nothing to do with public life.


Can’t say I know what article V is offhand, though I know article 2. I have a basic idea of a Brady motion, though I do no crim law and did not study it beyond the one required class in law school.

Just checked, Art. V is the amendment process.

I’m not a lawyer and have never taken any law classes.

Even I know that Article 1 = Legislative, Article 2 = Executive, Article 3 = Judiciary.

I’d like to see the actual text of the exchange, but if the dude was completely stumped by “What’s Article 2 of the US Constitution?”, that’s pretty embarrassing for someone who wants to be a judicial nominee.


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I don’t think so. If you want to be a federal judge, you should probably be familiar with one of the most important Supreme Court decisions in history, which established a basic right of due process for defendants. This isn’t some sort of obscure or trick question: like every single lawyer who ever practiced criminal law will know what this is. Do we want federal judges who don’t know anything about criminal law presiding over criminal trials? Seems like a pretty big part of their job.

Females of the species have a red-brown carapace, burrow-building behavior and can grow to 2 inches long, which is “very large” for this type of spider, according to the study.

Bro cmon, get this “giant spider” out of here.


Looks bigger than 2" to me. They should’ve included a dime for scale.

Isn’t a huge chunk of Australia completely uninhabited desert? Seems like there must be all kinds of cool undiscovered wildlife out there.

It’s desert, though. I’ll tell you where the real crazy undiscovered shit in Australia is, it’s right here:

That is tropical (or some of it is, there are some arid parts too), and there are like 0 people living there. I mean OK in the left hand bit, which is called Arnhem Land, there are some indigenous communities, but there is almost no trace of civilization. Have a look on Google Maps and see for yourself. There are not even roads.

It is remote as balls out there and it’s a tropical environment, lots of weird evolution going on. There has to be some weird undiscovered stuff there.


How much would one lose cancelling plane tickets to Queensland?

Olympics are in Queensland in less than a decade.

Getting up to speed on caselaw is trivial for a good judge. It’s probably the easiest part of the job.

I met a guy who was doing gov’t surveying work in that part of Queensland. Before they went out they’d have to do some sort of ceremony with the indigenous communities to get the blessing from the spirits. The work sounded super tough going, like they were just hacking through the brush with machetes. He said they’d occasionally find signs of past indigenous life that hadn’t been seen by modern civilization before. He also mentioned that one time, one of the guys on the team wasn’t present at the ceremony, but still joined them on the trip and they somehow managed to lose him for like a day and half, and they still don’t know exactly how it happened. Spooky.

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Smart people never give up an opportunity to fly Qantas

For real I went there years and years ago when I was editing adsman’s stunning memoir starting from bluffing his way into being a white water rafting guide despite having ZERO experience lol the shit this guy did he’s lucky to be alive

I went to Australia for a conference and was so happy to get to meet him IRL, even if I later was like holy shit can’t be friends with him any more once he started telling me stuff like gay people shouldn’t be allowed to adopt until “we have all the evidence”

So anyway I went from Sydney to Melbourne and we were not ten minutes in the air before the flight attendant starts handing everyone a slice of delicious warm quiche.

I went back home to the States and now whenever they hand me a little bag of peanuts I’m like wtf guys get your shit together this could be quiche


While I agree with this, the inability to answer these questions in a rudimentary way speaks to the prospective judge’s level of preparation for this interview, which is important, imo.

It would be concerning as to preparation only if answers to a more targeted question under Brady facts was infirm.

For example, if the question were posed as follows

“What factors would you consider, and how would you rule, if, on the eve of trial of a domestic terrorist it was discovered that the US had withheld documents from the defense during discovery, and a Brady motion was before the Court?

And the candidate couldn’t articulate the issues that would be analyzed, then I would be concerned about their “preparation” to sit on the bench.

As far as “preparation” for the interview, I don’t really care. The interview is being conducted by clowns looking to score points for clowns looking to yell “scoreboard!”

Tomorrow is trash day and I just saw one of my neighbors bring their Christmas tree to the curb. That’s bonkers right? The date, I mean.

Was it a real tree or a fake one?

Real. This happened while I walking the dogs, on the way back I could see it was in pretty good shape and the stump was wet. I believe this tree was up until this week.

I’m shocked a tree would live that long, impressive. But yes also very strange and I would be wary of them.