2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Get fucked you absolute hog.


I see Sarah is still gunning to be Trump’s VP

That’s right, 9 out of 10 people you meet have never nor will never ever use Bing to search for one single damned thing. And yet…

Selling ad impressions served to bots is a helluva business model

Eventually bots will be making purchasing decisions for us, right? Makes sense to target ads at them imo.

One would think that since Bing is not banned in China and Google is, that gives it a bit of a boost, but it’s hard to say by how much if any

Trade unionists singing an anti-fascist song at actual fascist leader Meloni before her speech the other day

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What adult person doesn’t already have a bank account when they get married?

A lot of poor people in the US don’t have bank accounts.

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I see. It’s pretty hard to get a job here or claim benefits without one.

Poors aren’t people, duh.

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God bless them

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the resistance

do not be confused by the revolution in action. up till now, we’ve only dealt with it in theory

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One of the best buildings in New York is for sale. Maybe it’s time to pass the hat for UP’s headquarters.

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Seems on Twitter that most of the usual suspects are insisting opposition to these bills is all over a desire to have young children get bottom surgery.

Gross as it is, and as pessimistic as we all are, perhaps there are some encouraging signs that they might not be generating much outrage over bathrooms and teachers using preferred pronouns.

Sure seems like it was a losing issue for Republicans last election cycle.

Lawbros: How bad is this:

This one seems worse.

Kennedy did this to Trump nominees too, but I would have assumed that Biden’s nominees were more competent and knowledgeable. I’m sure he probably got more Trump nominees, but I’m surprised he’s catching any of the Biden ones. Maybe the lesson is simply LOL LAW.


It’s somewhat strange, but not that important. Good judgment isn’t really something that having immediate command of case law requires. The best judges are in fact probably rarely the most knowledgeable ones. Furthermore, if the Judge was never on a criminal rotation, then Brady would never come up.

Maybe, but the optics are fucking horrible. Perhaps we can give a pass on Brady, but this seems a bit too much, imo.

“What’s in Article II?”
“I’ve got no fucking idea”