2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

License would be a PITA, but I actually carry that in a holder on my phone.

The cards will be a pain, I already canceled the two that were in the wallet. But I’m still pretty happy to get the ~$600 back. My wife and I use a system where money goes in different “buckets”, and that money was from my personal “do whatever I want with it” bucket. So while $600 wasn’t that big a deal in the grand scheme of things, it’s actually a pretty big chunk of my personal stash.

Lost me at the beginning when he refers to two slave owners as “prisoners of the culture of their time as are we”

The real victims were the slaveowners we made along the way.


I’m never getting married, sounds like ass


I’m not married but I think it’s pretty common for married people to have at least three buckets, one for expenses, one for her, one for him. At least from what I have seen and heard…

I am sure the married people here can weigh in.


I’m married and there’s only one very small bucket.


We just keep all our finances separate and we each cover different expenses. When necessary we transfer money between our separate accounts.

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We each have individual accounts that our paychecks are deposited into and one joint account that we each fund that is mainly used to fund regular investments and one off expenses. My wife pays the mortgage and some utilities from her account since she makes way more than me. I cover the other utilities and most grocery/food/entertainment expenses when we go out together.

Honestly the system we use would work just as well for someone who’s single. It’s really just a tool for sound financial management, managing spending, planning for the future, etc. Maybe some people are good at that kind of thing without guardrails, but my wife and I are not two of those people.

In case anyone is interested, all the money gets deposited in the “main” account. We have automatic transfers set up from that account to a savings account, a “family” account, and each of our individual accounts. Regular fixed expenses (like the mortgage) are paid out of the main account, variable expenses (like groceries) from the family account, and my wife’s and my individual accounts are ours to do with what we please.

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Not married guy here with the take that having separate bank accounts is probably some shady bs, and it makes no sense to have more than one unless you’re trying to scam your partner. You’re welcome, everyone. Let me know how this goes over when you tell your significant other.

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Cigars and burgers?

Of course LFS’s and DUCY’s wives know about the accounts.

It would probably be shadier if you started out with a joint account then later on set up personal ones but at least for my wife and me it’s just that we already had bank accounts before we officially tied our lives together and there’s no point going and closing all of those now.

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I’m a single guy but I think having seperate do what you want accounts for couples make a lot of sense especially for people on this forum with a gambling background. Seperate do what youwant accounts could potentially save a lot of headaches trying to explain you spent money from the joint account gambling on sports, buying a jpeg and buyin some magic internet money.


My wife has never really made much money so it would seem pretty shitty if we had separate accounts. Like the awful husband in The Joy Luck Club.

like separate forums

come home


As another unmarried guy, I think what matters the most is having an open arrangement that is mutually agreed upon. Maybe that’s separate bank accounts, maybe a shared one. Maybe you have one responsible member who manages the money and handles family finances while paying the other an allowance to with as they please. There’s no single right way to set things up.

Good idea. I haven’t posted on 2p2 for a while.


We have a similar setup, but the investment accounts were mainly in my name. When we got our will set up our lawyer said I should transfer half of the investments to my wife for tax purposes. I wonder what kind of kickback he’s getting.