2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

supposedly making a comeback next season


Arizona Cardinals. Oh wait

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I guess the Phillies would qualify for a similar reason.

49ers probably a little weird outside of California.

Islanders wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense in most places, same with Capitals.

The NY Rangers are named after the Texas Rangers, which I still find really funny.




Dude really hates all women.

Dodge deez nuts!


She deserves all the sashes



" West Texas A&M University ( WTAMU or WT ) is a public university in Canyon, Texas."

Dude should be fired immediately. He’s running a federal institution blatantly violating the 1st amendment. Hopefully FFRF and the ACLU get on this soon.

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I don’t know where to put this, so here it is.

Be as leftist as you want, but don’t be a stupid twitter leftist. The replies and takes on this are just DSA and “socialists” showing their whole asses and not understanding what congress does.

If you want to be taken seriously, please be serious.


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I’d buy Utah Texans gear.

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Story time:

I just visited St. Louis with some college buddies. I was planning on playing some poker so was carrying more cash than usual, around $700. I had it along with a couple of credit cards in a little wallet and it came up missing - based on timeline I assumed I dropped it on the street. This was on Saturday and I returned to LA on Sunday, having accepted the loss as the kind of thing that sometimes happens.

Well, somebody found it and gave it to his employer, I was apparently in front of a donut shop. One of the cards in the holder was my Costco Visa and the owner is a member, so he brought it to Costco and they called me. Cash and cards all there, and they’re sending it to me. The guy kept refusing a reward, but I basically begged him to take $100 and give it to the employee who turned it in.

So there are still honest people in the world who will go out of their way to help somebody else. Hope this story gave somebody a lift, it did for me.


That’s awesome.

Similar thing happened to my wife this weekend, though it was just a credit card and it was in town. She left it at a store. The shop owner noticed it when she was closing, so she called my wife (don’t remember how she got the phone number - it was a florist, so maybe my wife filled out some info there) to let her know that she was leaving it was the pizzeria next door. Wife called the pizza place and yup, they had it.

So my wife went and got it and we had pizza for dinner. She gave them a healthy tip and they gave her free cannolis for being a new customer.


Good story.

I remember when I was a wee yute I was with my family at Mount Rushmore. I found some guys wallet and turned it in. They sent me a nice thank you note.

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wallets with more cash were more likely to be returned

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Interesting, and while initially counter-intuitive it makes sense.

I dropped my wallet outside a Rite-Aid, came home and found it in a sock on my front door. I called the number on the note and it was some woman who barely spoke English. I tried to offer a reward too but she wouldn’t take it. There are some good people out there.

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I wonder what my money value lost would be > than the asswhip of replacing all your cards and driver’s license.

I carry very little cash usually, and would sacrifice it all to get my license and stuff back. Just in case anyone finds my wallet.

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I thought the sock on the door knob meant they were inside banging.