2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)



This describes current generations


Lawl. Conservatives on children’s lunches are just so terrible.


“Think of the children!”
'We did."
“Well not like that.”


Has that guy had his ass beat? Cuz he needs it.




gotta be fake because the title progression makes no sense

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If I put “Irish” under “race” for my next mortgage app will that help or hinder me? :thinking:

Seems normal to me minus the research assistant but I guess they did a little career change. BDR to account manager is standard.

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There’s one out there or was one where she claimed to have flashed Blink 182 at age 12

That poor kid

Also wtf was someone doing with her eye to give it a STD?



12 year olds at Blink 182 concerts are insane. When I was 15, my girlfried at the time punched some 12/13 year old in her nose at a Blink 182 concert after she bit a chunk of flesh out of my friend’s back.

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This needs elaboration.

Went to a christmas festival show in San Francisco with my friend and girlfriend that the Foo Fighters were supposed to headline (would have been '99 I think.) Alao included 311, Blink 182, and maybe the Deftones. We found out shortly before doors opened that the Foo Fighters had pulled out due to illness, so the day started off shitty as that was the main reason we came and they werent offering refunds.

We were there early so we were up against the rail at front. 311 played first and were great. We really enjoyed it. We hated Blink 182 and they were next up. During the set my bud was screaming out to them how much they suck, that they were awful, their music was shit, etc.

A group of younger girls kept trying to get past us up to the rail, and my buddy kept like moving over protecting his spot. We kept hearing one say “Blink 182 does not suck, theyre amazing!” Etc etc. In between songs my buddy yelps out “Owwwww, what the fuck, she bit me! Holy shit.” All three of us turn around and this girl has this fucking smile on her face and my girlfriend points and says “Her?” My buddy said “Yeah, she fucking bit me”

As soon as he says it Wham fist directly to the nose, blood goes everywhere and she drops to the ground. (My girlfriend at the time was a softball pitcher. She must have rocked the shit out of this girl.)

We took off before security could get involved. Outside, he lifted up his shirt and there was a chunk missing out of his back. We took him to the urgent care and he needed stitches and a rabies shot. Dont fuck with young Blink 182 fans in the 90s


the kid may have had a point


Imagine being a young kid and hating blink 182


I was way too cool for their “Not a boy band, but totally a boy band” schtick

Well I guess that is growing up.