“It’s cruel to retweet my wife Bethany’s public tweets that she refuses to delete.” -Sethany
Bethany Mandel may be the first person in history to abort her mom
Not mad, please don’t put in the paper that I was mad.
Coulter has been usurped.
Next on racist boomer memes from Facebook, Find Your MLK Day Name! Mine was Slavey Welfarequeen
Speaking on behalf of the Irish, you wot mate?
Better than the ITYSL meme
Christ, his next tweet is even worse
No one is pulling the plug on the word of a 16 year old. Made up bs
I don’t know, she seems like a real trustworthy and good lady
It does not matter the context, I will always upvote this. I just introduced my brother to this clip yesterday.
Other than maybe boredsocial I can’t think of anyone that would make the same plug pull claim proudly