2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)


Yeah, I went to a gigantic school, and total enrolled during my senior year was about 4300

Meh my hs was bigger with everything but the planetarium. ;)

I have a few friends and acquaintances who live in that school district. It’s a pretty rich suburb, but not absurdly so. It’s a really good public school. There are plenty in the country that rate better, though their facilities may not be as nice.

Interestingly zero of these people that I know sent their kids to Carmel High School, as good as it is. They all paid to send their kids to private school.

Why lie to her




Paying more on debt to own the libs



Jesus my school was a dump compared to that and it was supposedly one of the better ones in Pennsylvania.

Carmel is a nice midwestern suburb but LOL that text message loser. Trust me lady, nobody in Santa Monica is longing for your life. Also who talks like that? “We are used to being envied and hated” Jesus Christ my lawnmower instantly revved up.

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She’s probably right about the “hated” part.

My big takeaway from that Carmel video is that they are REALLY into their athletics.

hopefully the riff raff who buy those million dollar townhouses don’t harm chef currys children.

Yeah it’s weird being in Texas. I thought 5k student schools were everywhere but Allen is the only one around 5300. They do have a ten million dollar plus football stadium.


yeah what happens to missiles that miss?


they wouldn’t use anything but a dummy sidewinder. also misses just don’t explode. probably sunk, and the search area is gigantic.

the first balloon rocket just pierced the plastic and it deflated on its own. that’s much safer than an explosion.

unless the object is wingcraft, it would be dumb to actually fire live rockets over us soil or an interior lake.

They don’t want to blow up the balloons because they want to be able to examine the components