2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)



Well in her case, she kind of backed into it

Her: Men will fake being women and rape women in a women’s prison. Trans women should not be in prisons in cis women
Me: Won’t putting them in with men make trans women more likely to get raped
Her: Ok, well how about separate prisons for trans people. Seems to solve everything.



Yeah, I don’t read that position as beyond the pale or anything. Frankly, a lot of people (myself included) just don’t have a lot of experience with thinking through these issues, or interactions with trans people, so I think a bit of brainstorming and just working through things is to be expected.

I have no idea, but whatever you come up with would definitely be safer than putting trans women in men’s jails. So if the rule is “nobody with a penis is allowed in the women’s jail”, a separate jail, or wing in a jail like in LA County, is a better solution.

But as was said above, the obvious answer is to make jail safe for everyone.

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Yes a complicated issue on what to do if the goal is safety for all.

I would defer to experts from the gender non conforming community. Even if saying so gets JK Rowling to block me lol.

Basically just a weird input that makes algorithms function much worse than normal.

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QueerAF brought my attention back to my own bias by talking about the problems faced in prison not just by women.

What about trans men?

Pour one out for my friends in the UK. Brianna was trans :pleading_face:

Detectives arrest two teenagers in connection with the death of 16-year-old Brianna Ghey in Warrington



WTF? Say this high school is 10/10 my public dump was probably 0.8/10.

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Mostly it just looks big? It’s not absurdly luxurious except for the gym?

It seems like it’s this high school. 5,400 students is pretty big. More than twice the size of my high school.

Yea that’s massive for student #

I’ve played a Magic charity tournament there before. It’s not very luxurious, just big like Riverman said.

Something even cooler about Carmel: How Roundabouts Help Lower Carbon Emissions - The New York Times

Sent that to my friend who lives there and has kids that will be going there in a few years. They got a big kick out of it.

damn it’s luxurious compared to the schools around here.

If you think it is “just big” you all have a very skewed view of the average high school in the US.

Many high schools have cut music programs completely. Do you think those schools have a radio station, a tv station, and a room specifically dedicated to the yearbook?

I can’t think of a single high school (including ones with over a thousand students) I ever competed at that had more than one gym, let alone one just for the wrestling team. Only maybe one that had an on campus pool (and it wasn’t that big), and none with a weight room that was that kitted out.

The quality of the equipment in the library, yearbook room, auto shop and wood shop seemed to be much higher quality than what you’d see in a lot of places (assuming the school even had those things).

ETA: public schools in a lot of places routinely have to close because it is too hot/cold and the buildings don’t have AC or adequate heating.


Some of it is because Carmel is a fairly well off suburb, especially by Indiana standards, but also part of it is that the town is well run and they have fantastic economies of scale given how big they are. There are mega-HS in Texas that spend much more than this on just athletic facilities

My public high school was around 2500 students across 4 grades and it was not considered a real nice school in the area, like mid tier maybe idk. We had a lot of the stuff shown in that video although i didn’t spend time in some of those areas so I don’t remember how big or nice there were. Only thing we really lacked compared to it was the food area, ours was basically just a giant cafeteria. Some other local schools had fast food restaurants and shit in them. Most of the other schools in our sports conference ranged from well off suburbs to some of the wealthiest suburbs in the city. My school was a mix of a nice suburb and more outer fringe city/inner ring suburbs that probably skewed poorer on average.

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I would have thought the students would eat in them, but maybe I’m just an out of touch old now.