2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

He should have done like Newton and had intermediaries write the letters. I bet that saved a lot of time.

What determines who gets a subsidized unit? A lottery?


But seriously, it’s usually a waiting list. In the US, typically around 20 years. I wish I was kidding.

I’ve never read pathological used in this manner. Could you explain the meaning?

Hi Turtle ilu and I hope you are doing okay.

This collects some of my best articles, videos, and guided meditations for you or anyone else having these feels

Or you can just say hi here :transgender_flag:


This shit is really bad

So I was talking to someone who I wouldn’t describe as a TERF, but is probably kind of, sort of TERF-adjacent (ostensibly not transphobic until you really start probing). Anyway she was going on about something related to men claiming to be trans women, who get imprisoned and go to women’s prisons and then assault cis women prisoners. I think she got it from something that Rowling may have tweeted.

Anyone know what the story is here? I’m not motivated to do a deep dive on this anytime soon.

Seems like a lot of work. It someone is motivated to assault cis women, lack of opportunity isn’t much of a hurdle.

The assaulting is not really the initial motivation. Apparently, they’re really cis-hetero dudes who would just prefer to be in a women’s prison. So they claim to be trans. Then they get sent to prison and a some point after that they assault because they have the opportunity to do so.

I’m getting this like 2nd+ hand, so I’m not exactly sure what the derposphere version is.

I mean, is it possible/has it ever happened? Sure, I guess. What’s her point?

And how does she feel about trans women being sent to men’s prisons and being assaulted?

Related, but not really: Men’s Central Jail in LA County has a gay/trans floor. Straight people try to pass as gay in order to be held there, it’s WAY safer and more comfortable than the other floors. At one point there was a quiz to determine if the person was really gay or not, no idea if that’s how they still do it.

That was basically what I said. Response was that “Well, that’s bad, but cis-men also get prison raped, something, something…”

Her point was that there should be separate prisons for trans people. That would solve both problems.

I guess it does create a new problem (i.e. the LA problem you described).

As a woman with a trans background, if I went to prison, I’d want to be wherever was safest. Would that include lying about my identity in order to gain access to a safer environment? Probably. I spent years hiding as a man. A person will do anything if they feel their life is in danger.

Now as for the other stuff, just ask them why they are generalizing this beyond anything but those specific people.

It’s transphobic to generalize the examples beyond those individuals because those examples are exceedingly rare. It’s not like racism, where the problem is so comprehensive that it makes sense to discuss it from a systemic POV.

By contrast, there is absolutely not a systemic problem of cisgender men pretending to be women so as to function as better predators. And I say that despite my own sibling being one of the people who has done such a thing. Those people are dangerous but rare. Anyone who points at them as an excuse to deny me basic human rights, medical care, etc, is so far outside my scope of influence that I just wish them well and hope they encounter a meaningful catalyst.

It is nonsensical to engage with any conversation that would compare me to a criminal, rapist, or predator simply because I have a fucked up medical background from my parents believing God had commanded them to turn me into a boy.


Assaults happen in both directions, but my guess is that (a) the number of assaults by trans women against cis women in prison is probably relatively small (but gets a disproportionate amount of coverage due to the current environment, and (b) while there is probably some very, very small risk that a cis males with no preexisting record of trans expression/diagnosis could somehow successfully claim to be trans after they were arrested, the much more common scenario is probably one where a trans woman gets housed with cis men and becomes a target for assault/exploitation.



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She wouldn’t deny you any of those things. As far as I can tell, the only way she would have trans people treated differently is separate prisons. At least that is what she states. As far as all of the other big trans issues that come up (i.e. not incarceration), she would claim that she shares the same views as you.

I think this is all correct, but one could easily use this as the basis for a separate prisons policy (just for a different reason).

Thanks for the links. This is the kind of stuff I was looking for as I hadn’t really heard of or even thought of the issue of prison for trans people until this weekend.

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I mean, sure, you could, but IMO you get much more bang for your buck taking steps that make prisons safer for everyone, rather than focusing on trans people specifically. The focus on trans people is almost entirely political and disproportionate relative to the scope of the actual problem… Especially when the right wing slant is designed to portray trans people as perpetrators (in order to justify harsher treatment) when the reality would actually, if anything, dictate more empathy and protection for trans folks.

In other words, I don’t think I’d necessarily advocate for separate facilities, but if someone else did, I think the mindset they used to reach that conclusion is important because the frame they used to reach that decision is going to shade how they view other scenarios involving trans folks.

No worries I don’t mean to lump her in with the worst.

I don’t see how you could have a separate prison for trans people without encountering the same unsustainable binary gender validation requirements. How would you even begin to separate who is merely cis with identifiably trans experiences vs intersex vs trans vs non binary vs ???

Yeah, I don’t know either. We didn’t get that far.

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