2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

I like this approach and think it’s the only way that really makes sense. However, over Xmas a “liberal” friend ($250k/yr military/space contractor firm exec) went on a rant about how the stimulus should have been means tested because it was not fair that people like him and his lawyer sister received it. He regarded it as a scandal. Imo, that’s a feature not a bug and universality should be emphasized more in messaging.

They will randomly lock the doors to my kids school a few minutes early so that you have to go through the office as a tardy. Then in the office the staff will ignore the kids until it is 9:31am and they are “late”. So they walk in the office at 9:28am - get ignored until 9:31 am and get a tardy slip at 9:32am.

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School starts at 930? Damn I needed to grow up where you are


Do you want to be just “on time”?


Maybe school ends at 5pm.

Elementary school starts at 8am High school starts at 845am. Middle school starts at 9:30am and ends at 4:15

My high school started at 730, if you were lucky you got an open 1st period (no class) so you could show up 50 minutes later. Or open period during lunch gave you a triple lunch break and we could leave campus so that was pretty great.

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I have learned something that is true but mildly disturbing to me about talking to normues: pro trans arguments work way way worse than anti-anti trans arguments.

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My concern about transgender youth is 10/10 and the averagw lubruls concern is 2/10. I need to accept that. It reminds me of nuetral milk hotel from my childhood in his song about anne frank where he says it’s so sad to see the world agree they’d rather see her face covered with flies.



neighbor has this flying in his yard

Same, and as a teenager I never knew how important sleep was, so I’d be awake until like midnight-2am every night. Then wonder why I was so tired all the time.

The claim was that it was so that kids could go to work after school, but I think it was really because the county only had one set of school busses and had to stagger start times between high/middle/elementary so that they could use the same busses for each.

Technocratically leaning people LOVE means testing. They get to have their cake and eat it too, they are expressing their liberal compassion by coming out for government welfare programs, but also get to stroke their chins thoughtfully and pontificate about fiscal responsibility and Working With The Other Side. Much bipartisanship, such responsible.

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The pattern here is absolute standard conservative head fakes and manipulating the best intentions of normal people. We see this pattern all the time:

Sensible people propose sensible government program to help people that need help.
Centrist types in government craft a legislation to enact it.
Conservatives point out that it doesn’t actually fix every problem in the world and possibly even has (GASP!) inefficiencies.
Centrist types rush back to their technocrat caves to argue with each other and stare at their navels for a few years, exchanging white papers and attending conferences on all the different ways to modify the program with caps and means testing and maybe some tax cuts for the rich.
Four years later still no help for the people that need help, but golly gee those were some fucking terrific white papers. With infographics and everything.

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A friend of mine was bragging about minesweeper, and I told him I’m pretty good at it myself. My best times were way better than his, and he asked how that could be?

I asked him does he use hold left click/right-click?

He didn’t know that function existed, and it shattered and revealed a whole new world for him.

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“all of whom resemble Moe of the Three Stooges”


What’s hold left-click/right-click?

never got into minesweeper but i used to play the shit out of the solitaire that always came with Windows OS. My best time was around 40 seconds for 3 card draw (lol 1 card draw) which I think is pretty fast.

Say you click a spot in the middle of the board, and it’s a 2. You happen to know where the two mines are, so you flag them. If you go back to that number 2 square, hold down left click, and then right click and release both, it will reveal the other 6 adjacent squares simultaneously. Like the being in the middle of a tic-tac-toe board.

It won’t reveal squares you’ve flagged. And if there’s a mine in one of the 8 surrounding squares and you do this, then it’s as bad as clicking on it.

Incorporating this trick into your speed runs is how sub-8 second victories are possible on beginner.

Total game changer. And many people who fondly remember minesweeper never knew it existed.

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Yeah I never knew it existed.

That’s like when people say they’re pretty good at chess. I ask them if they know about en passant and queen-side castling. Nine times out of 10 they have no idea what I’m talking about.

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