2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Isn’t Dre close to being a billionaire? $2m per month seems reasonable.

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Holy crap that is a massive double chin

It’s like a mashup of Trump, Louie Anderson, and Rosie O’Donnell, with a dash of Alex Jones.


You got $61. The attorneys got $8.5 million. Lol law, lol class actions.

But have you seen the transcendent beauty of the briefing notes? $8.5 million is a small price to pay for these double spaced Times New Roman masterpieces.

I actually had a similar settlement that I was happy with, also car rental related. Over $100 last year for Hertz failing to disclose the cost of mandatory insurance in Mexico up front. I think I paid like $400 for the rental to begin with and I don’t recall ever being surprised about the bill. I’m sure the lawyers got plenty as well but I’ll take that.

I just watched this episode of How the Universe Works last night. They left it at - 1) shockwave from star collapsing into giant ball of iron forming in like 1 second, 2) pressure from neutrinos being blocked by the resulting neutron star at the core, 3) turbulence caused by all this churning leading to imperfections which allows the shockwave to escape the star material and get out into the world.

I’m sure I garbled that. But does this have anything to do with your paper?

Didn’t want to go to the ten year high school reunion.

Was told I’d feel different about the twenty year reunion (which I just got reminded about today).

I don’t. Even if I still lived in the area, I’d be on the fence about going. Being thousands of miles away makes it an easy rejection. Plus, I’ll be on vacation when it happens.

Also it’s been almost 20 goddamn years since I graduated high school. Man I’m old.

I didn’t go to 10, which I felt would have been annoying with everyone trying to impress each other.

I went to 20, which was fine. By that point everyone had calmed down settled into their lives, and no one was really trying to impress that much.

No desire to go to any more of them.

Went to my 10th. It was fine. Nothing too special.

Heard rumors there was a 20th. Would have gone to it, but couldn’t find any evidence that it existed. Apparently there was a Facebook page, but I wasn’t going to make an account to find out the details.

I’d go to future ones I guess, but I’m not going to exert any effort to do so.

My 20 is next year, haven’t been to any other ones so I doubt I go to that one.

I went to my 10th with my HS buddies, drunk as holy hell. I was starting to experience financial success in LA and played the bigshot. Super cringey. Haven’t been back.

I skipped 10, but went to 20. One thing that stood out to me was a girl who looked totally unremarkable in high school was now a stunner.

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I grew up on a small town of 5000, 115 in my graduating class. All the reunions occur on homecoming weekend. Every 5 year class has a float (flatbed trailer with hay bales to sit on) in the parade. Fridays are fun with it being basically a town wide party. Saturdays are the actual reunions, not as much fun.

This year is my 40th. I wasn’t planning on going to my 35th, but my mom told the organizers that I cook BBQ. and I got talked into catering.

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Live 5 miles away, never went.

I think he became a billionaire when apple bought beats.

It’s more about what comes before that. Basically there are two types of supernovae, heavy stars that collapse under their own weight when they run out of fuel (like you describe), and lightweight old and evolved stars, white dwarfs, that are in binary system and reach some critical mass through mass accretion from a normal star, or they reach critical mass through a merger with another white dwarf. These thermonuclear supernovae have proven super useful in the past because they look very similar, and that has been used to measure the expansion of the universe. But, there’s been much debate about what a binary system that goes thermonuclear actually looks like. Are they all mergers of two white dwarfs? Or all accretion based nuclear runaways? It is pretty crazy that astronomers use thermonuclear supernovae for precise cosmology, but we don’t actually know how they form. The supernova we discovered basically confirmed that at least some of them form through a formation channel that so far only existed in theory, so that’s pretty cool! Doesn’t explain all of them though, but still, small and steady gains.


I have stayed in touch with the people from high school that I like. I can’t imagine that seeing any of the rest of them would be worth my time.

Plus, we have social media to tell us how people turned out from our school. No need for a reunion.

Oh cool. On the latest season of How the Universe Works, they said they found out that a lot of the “standard candle” supernovae were actually maybe not standard candles, which could throw their whole measure of how fast the universe is expanding into question.

Even Filipinko, one of the guys who discovered the acceleration, said it could throw a lot of his work into doubt.

Of course I probably butchered that. But my question is - is there now any new doubt that the expansion is accelerating - which would basically eliminate dark energy? Or is it more like the rate of acceleration might be off?