2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

My cell phone bill for 3 of us on Verizon was about $20,000 a month. I switched to Google Fi and now it’s only $90.


someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying


When I was young your “bucket list” was comprised of all the placed you hoped to vomit in someday

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This book came out in May 2003, I think the concept of seeing places before you die was picking up a lot of steam, and then the movie came out and gave it the perfect name.


i’m trying to figure out what’s going on with this map. i thought i was pretty good with maps but i’m not sure where they’re making the distinction of what is and isn’t asia

not to mention that they’re talking about turkey and presenting a map of ALL OF ASIA and possibly MAYBE a tiny piece of turkey on it

checks out

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ok it looks like they trimmed the caucuses and the crimean steppe and all of turkey. and isreal. fox news doesn’t recognize isrealis as asian, it’s too confusing. it borders on gender identity politics to them, to think of isrealis as asians.

Damn Ukraine has shrunk a bit.


The questions about Girardi’s conduct were significant enough that a settlement reached in 2000 with two Lockheed-related chemical companies included constraints on his access to funds. The money was placed in an escrow account, with withdrawals requiring the approval of lawyers for the chemical companies and a mediator.

But in early 2001, Tenner helped Girardi circumvent those safeguards, according to court records outlining the previously unreported episode. Tenner signed an “order to transfer funds” drawn up by Girardi on what appeared to be L.A. Superior Court letterhead; it directed Comerica Bank to release $3.4 million to the lawyer. A bank officer sent the money to Girardi, along with $175,000 in interest. Two days later, Tenner signed a second “order” for an additional $3.6 million, but the bank balked, court filings show.

After the missing funds were discovered six months later, Girardi claimed that he had paid that money to clients, but he would not provide copies of the checks.

This is crazy. It sounds like these settlements are basically free money for the lawyer/expert witness/private judge/who knows what else complex.

Another case where if Girardi just had normal greed and skimmed a few $million here and there, he’d clearly never have had any issues. But he had to go for the whole enchilada to support his real housewife of Beverly Hills, and who knows what else.

New Social Focus? Site from cofounders of instagram. News article based. Although some reviews have it as disappointing so far.

That’s not going to work. No one reads articles.

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Was it in this thread we were talking about class action lawsuits? I’m supposedly getting $61 from a suit against Avis/Budget for their e-toll transponder rental charges. The charges always seemed like bullshit but no worse than about 5 other things the rental car companies do, so I’m impressed I’m actually getting cash for this. I would have expected a shitty discount code for renting another car or something like that.

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She should buy fewer candles.



lol the MAGAchuds sharing this type shit.


that’s e-dally drawing george santos with elements of maga/drag

Don’t really know where to post this, but I’m excited so had to share: my paper just got accepted for publication in Nature! But holy hell, that was a lot of work and a risky gamble (of my time and effort)…


Subject area?

Astronomy, supernovae in this case. Our discovery resolves some long-standing questions about how thermonuclear supernovae can form.

