2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

That shit is hilarious.

This shit is why Iā€™d rather just die alone. Iā€™m in a state of anxiety just from reading that.

Had to look up saveloy:

The reason that shit means I will die alone is it scares other people off from trying.

Are you asking me on a date?

You two should have a video call first.


I doubt it.

Justā€¦donā€™t be that guy.

Well, we learned that naked video calls arenā€™t a deal killer, itā€™s the other stuff thatā€™s the problem.

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Yeah, whatā€™s the womanā€™s deal here, sounds like heā€™s putting in all of the work.

Lily laughing at her own jokes made me a little queasy.

ha, i read the OP without seeing the username and 100% knew it was him. iā€™ve picked him out over like, 4 or 5 messageboards over the years.

went to sleep and the thread had 75 replies, went back to check just now, 200 replies, and the first one i see is someone begging him to stop posting.

tbab :+1:t3:

edit: gonna leave him be, unless he tries to buy/sell/trade. thereā€™s a lot of that on that forum, and i dunno if i could let someone do a deal with himā€¦

Iā€™m about 80% at ā€œThat didnā€™t happenā€


I doubt it happened, but itā€™s still funny

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Yeah, put me in the doubt category. It hits too many notes for realism.

Completely made up or just greatly exaggerated?

Well she might have a friend on tinder. So probably closer to the former.

I get that each forum has its own history and norms that are indecipherable to outsiders, but itā€™s super weird to me that the default on that forum seems to be that if youā€™re a scammer, you must be a ā€¦ pharmacy benefits manager. Like, thatā€™s so specific and odd.

Also, the inevitable:


Tbh I assumed PBM was ā€œpreviously banned memberā€ and that they were joking. If it actually stands for that and means scammer then thatā€™s pretty amusing, though

Hmm, that makes much more sense. Wiper?


I wasnā€™t ready to have my world upended this early.


14 point? :vince1:

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