2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Yes, please make sure you’re not like the guy in a probably invented social media story, ok?

Hot take(?): Times New Roman sucks. Calibri is great.


The lukewarmest of takes imo

I use Calibri in all my spreadsheets I dig it. 14 point font though :harold:

14pt is for subtitles not for body text. Says how much they really want to read.

I’m always going to be partial to Book Antiqua, but the more common Times New Roman is what I generally use.

My company has a beautiful custom sans serif font I use for all work product.

My home office stuff is in comic sans, ldo.


Just another example of the woke agenda running amok!

Mostly joking, but I was always taught that serifs enhance readability, especially at small sizes. Maybe this is no longer conventional wisdom.

Random things




This doesn’t seem solved yet.



Comic Sans is a publishing trick. Write in whatever you want, convert to Comic Sans when revising.

The font uses exceptionally legible symbols for each letter. It’s like injecting yourself with NZT from Limitless. Makes you hyper focus on each component.

If you’re an artist, it’s like when you draw right-side up but then revise the sketch by flipping it upside down (see the book Drawing with the Left Side of the Brain).

Otherwise the best font is Aharoni IMO

Great book. Got me to a point where I could actually draw a little.

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Of the top advertised drugs, 73 had at least one value rating. Collectively, pharmaceutical companies spent $22.3 billion on advertising for those 73 drugs between 2015 and 2021.

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Morgan Freeman voice: …and in the end, the indestructible terminators were defeated by a simple cardboard box.

Also how the hell do you somersault for 300 meters? That sounds very painful.

Marines take a lot of amphetamines.

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I feel like AI researches need to first create some model that has all the context a modern human would have. IE - cardboard boxes don’t move on their own, cardboard boxes shouldn’t be in the middle of the road, etc. But obviously you can’t teach each one of those. So somehow it needs to be able to actually reason about the world - what is this object, what is its purpose, is there a reason it would normally be in this position? etc

Then make that your baseline for self-driving, war, etc. off of that baseline that has the context of an actual human being.

lol wut

LED light bulbs are waaaaay underdelivering. The LEDs actually are good for 100k hours or whatever, but what nobody talks about is the fact that the circuitry in each bulb that transforms your household AC to the DC that LEDs need is absolute shit and won’t last anywhere close to the lifetime of the LEDs themselves

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Where is some of your art???