2023 LC Thread - It was predetermined that I would change the thread title (Part 1)

Are we doing a Twin Peaks rewatch or what?

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youā€™re better than me, bc my first thought would be limiting the amount that anyone else would get to the lowest amount possible.

would i rather have some unknown from texas have it, or my friends/family?

Your friends and family already get the pleasure of your company. It wouldnā€™t be fair to the Texans

fuck them :man_shrugging:t3:

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Do you know how many people I plan to fuck over with 1.3 billion! Iā€™d have no problem fucking over one person for half that money.


tbab randomly showed up at the card forum i mostly lurk, he bought a bunch of rice/montana/49ers rookies and wanted advice. went about as well as youā€™d think.

This site was infuriatingly unreadable on my phone.

Edit: Of course itā€™s because the moron posted life-sized pictures.

Edit2: My god, he hasnā€™t changed at all. 2 pages in and Iā€™m 100% confident that this is absolutely the 2p2 legend even without seeing the username that gives it away. Iā€™ll believe AI bots are taking over when they can replicate someoneā€™s voice/attitude/delusions this perfectly.

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Just saw this post from someone I actually know:


4 comments so far, none mentioning Pyramid Scheme. But Iā€™m hopeful.

Almost certainly.

I havenā€™t been touched by a snail in my life.

Times are so tough that some libraries in Colorado can only afford contaminated meth. Sad!

For many cooks, waiters and bartenders, it is an annoying entrance fee to the food-service business: Before starting a new job, they pay around $15 to a company called ServSafe for an online class in food safety.

That course is basic, with lessons like ā€œbathe dailyā€ and ā€œstrawberries arenā€™t supposed to be white and fuzzy, thatā€™s mold.ā€ In four of the largest states, this kind of training is required by law, and it is taken by workers nationwide.

But in taking the class, the workers ā€” largely unbeknown to them ā€” are also helping to fund a nationwide lobbying campaign to keep their own wages from increasing.

The company they are paying, ServSafe, doubles as a fund-raising arm of the National Restaurant Association ā€” the largest lobbying group for the food-service industry, claiming to represent more than 500,000 restaurant businesses. The association has spent decades fighting increases to the minimum wage at the federal and state levels, as well as the subminimum wage paid to tipped workers like waiters.

Supreme Court: Unions forcing workers to pay union dues, not on my watch.

Businesses forcing their employees to subsidize lobbying, a ok.


Wait, so some unkown person gets what I want and I get what 30 unknown people want? And Iā€™m the one who dosenā€™t have a Nobel in economics. What a world.



Now that is some bull shit to read first thing in the morning. WTF.

The lucky person at the top of the pyramid:


It would suck to get Bisquick II. Iā€™ve never read the original.




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