2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Please forgive my assumption that you read the entire document and also possess the ability to think critically.

Since this appears not to be the case - what in the report (besides the conclusion you just posted) lends credibility to their conclusion? several bullet points other than the one I posted states they had no real way to verify any of this and the strongest “evidence” they can find is from burned bodies who were also missing their clothing.

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US troops committed rapes in Iraq and Afghanistan. The question is whether it was pervasive or systemic.

The point of the breast chopped off story and babies cut out of wombs stories was emotional propaganda a) to help rile people up to commit atrocities or b) to help those who might be squeamish alleviate their discomfort over what’s happening in Gaza. Even if you point out that those acts are hearsay in the article, no one will remember that.

The lurid depictions fulfilled their purpose. Walking them back now while pointing to a few rapes does nothing to undo that.

It’s the same in every war. Dehumanize the enemy.


Fairly sure your life would be infinite better if you take the word of The Office of Special Represntative of Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict and their expertise on the matter of rape and sexual abuse. But you know, you can also not. I stand firm at godspeed. This doesn’t mean much in regards to the NYT article, it just a report that was literally published today.

Wasn’t Bibi supposed to face serious consequences for allowing all this to happen? Has that happened yet?

No. But the protestors in Tel Aviv last Saturday who demanded that were brutally attacked by the Police, which is run by the extreme right-fascist Itamar Ben Gvir. Good times here.

But on the bright side, Bibi is currently sick and one report from a well respected journalist is that his “light flu” is a lot more serious than the PM office is letting us know. So let’s pray that it’s true.

eta- fwiw even if we do get rid of Bibi, which at this point I’ve been burnt way too many times to believe, it’s not like we going to get some left-leaning coalition. Not even a biden-left. It’s going to be Gantz (who is co-leading the war in gaza) and an a coalition that excludes the Arab minority and probably what’s left of the “zionist left” (which for some of you is an oxymoron i know).

I know nothing about the details but my bias is that killing Jews and raping women are two different jobs, and if you’re focused on the former then the latter is a distraction that’s likely to get in the way.

Sure, every invading force in history has also been involved in sexual violence and atrocities, but for a group with focused goals, including abducting hostages, it strains credulity to believe they would fail to keep their eye on the ball.

I don’t really see what difference it makes though? It seems to me as admittedly a dumb person that kidnapping and murder are kind of bad things to do no? Like if you’re looking for evidence that hamas aren’t great people there seems to be plenty out there already. And similarly would systematic rape by hamas fighters justify the current holocaust of Palestinian children? I doubt they had much say in the matter.


This is reasoned thinking though. The stories about attrocities committed by Hamas are not being used to try to get you to be 100% rationally sure that they are bad, they are used to get you so angry that you do not think rationally at all.



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What we need is a final solution to the Palestinian problem, IMO.

You people are nuts.


I eagerly await people on both sides of the issue being somehow pissed off at him for this, and his approval to go down another 2%.

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Is this… good news?

It depends. Who is providing security for the ships in port? Who is providing security for the people coming to get the supplies off of the ship? If neither of those is the IDF it might be good news or just another excuse for the them to shoot people trying to get supplies. If either of those is the US it might be considered an act of war invading Israel…

I hope it’s not the US providing security (but, we probably will)… I don’t think the Israelis will consider it an act of war (if we’re involved we’ll negotiate rules of engagement with Israel very carefully), but I’d be more concerned that either Hamas attacks the supplies or that a big crowd of desperate folks swarm the convoys and some US soldiers kill some Palestinians.

I’d be more afraid of Hamas shelling the folks getting food than US shooting innocent Palestinians. Our troops shouldn’t have any of the baggage the IDF does and just want to the get the hell out of there.

(A) You don’t have to “have baggage” to panick when you get surrounded by a big crowd that outnumbers you. I’m not saying there would necessarily be intent, but, stuff happens in intense situations involving heavily armed people.

(B) Plenty of US soldiers have dismal views of Arabs/Palestinians/folks from the Middle East region.

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If either of those is the US it might be considered an act of war invading Israel…

And if it is, so what?

So then we have to deal with shit from Israel and pissing off the conservatives even more than helping poors usually does.