2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza




Biden lied about beheaded babies again last night. Just very cool stuff from the American president

No he didnā€™t. That was real.

Go ahead and prove it, shitstain

Iā€™ve heard a few first hand accounts.

I hope your home gets bombed

Iā€™m a super lefty leftist totally disgusted by the violence in the Middle East.

Also I hope your home gets bombed.

You are a genuinely awful human and the left is much worse for your claiming to be a member.


Wanting to bomb someone based on those particular posts or even wanting to bomb the other person for retaliation for saying they want to bomb the other dude for said posts is the genesis of how all of these wars start and are never able to end.

I mean, if we actually had a legit war in this country that involved life or death as opposed to just ME shit that we get to watch from a safe distance on twitter, you guys would be mentally fucked for sure.

I guess its good that there is some inate realization that gun ownership is a bad thing here.

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He seems nice.

Iā€™d really be curious how this squares up with Hamas saying they did it because they felt like the Palestinian issue was about to be sidelined.

Gazaā€™s political situation is that no one can speak out against Hamas. repressions are real, many people censor themselves out of fear, other times propaganda does its job. polls in totalitarian societies are only showing what regimes want to show.


Yggy knows this, heā€™s trolling.





I want to preface this by saying that I do not in anyway mean for this to make any sort of moral comparison between slavery and Israel. This analogy is meant more to describe the psychology of those involved and help predict future behavior.

While some have described the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7 as Israelā€™s 9/11 that changes everything, I think a better analogy might be Nat Turnerā€™s rebellion. I see similarities with what has going on in Gaza right now, just on a small scale.

The quick history lesson is that Nat Turner was a slave who led a rebellion in Virginia that ultimately killed about 60 whites. They went house to house, freeing slaves, while killing any white person, killing women, killing children, killing infants in their cribs. The rebellion was eventually stopped by overwhelming force and mob violence incited by rumors of more slave revolts led to more black deaths across the South. While this led to some Virginians to debate the idea of sending free blacks back to Africa and to pursue a course of gradual emancipation, the end result was the passage of greater restrictions on blacks, both free and enslaved.

My point is: Nat Turner is a hero to African-Americans despite having killed women and children, despite having planned to do so in advance. He is revered because he was a member of an oppressed class who struck a blow against his oppressors. Having that reverence for someone who committed what some might say are atrocities doesnā€™t make someone a bad person. I would never make the argument that Nat Turner was a bad guy and no hero.

Hamas is Nat Turner for Palestinians. They feel like a greatly oppressed class and they support anyone who can harm their oppressors. Whatever barbaric acts they may have committed donā€™t matter. That they did something matters. That it provoked this response doesnā€™t matter. So what if it is oppression piled on top of more oppression? Palestinians, Gazans, Hamas, they are acting the way people who believe they are being oppressed act. (Spoiler for America: MAGA believes they are being oppressed.) Itā€™s predictable that at least some people who are pro-Palestinian would cheer on Hamas for simply being able to harm Israel.

This is how people who believe they are being oppressed act. Whether they are being oppressed and the actual severity of that oppression doesnā€™t matter. What matters is what they think is happening. And nothing going on is likely to lessen their grievances. But the perceived oppressors tend to double down on what they are doing instead of having recriminations and changing course. Which is what is happening now.


The thread is often 48hrs behind events

You seem to be behind the headline you posted:

UN says no fuel delivered to Gaza today

As weā€™ve been reporting throughout the day, Israel says it will allow two fuel trucks to enter the Gaza Strip each day so that UN aid work can carry on in the territory.

A spokesperson for UNWRA - the UNā€™s agency for Palestinians - has now told the BBC that none of the fuel that Israel says itā€™s approved will arrive today.

Itā€™s a BeeBeeCee live news feed, remember? (headline donā€™t mean shite)
i remember this was hard for you during covid too.