2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

This is from the Daily Bruin at UCLA

" Participants at the walkout, many of whom wore face masks to conceal their identities, chanted phrases such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” “There is only one solution, intifada revolution” – a term historically referring to uprisings in Palestinian territories – and “Resistance is justified when people are occupied.”

Some members of the campus community were concerned that the chants during the walkout were antisemitic. According to the Anti-Defamation League, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” has historically been associated with calls for a Palestinian state that would ultimately dismantle the state of Israel.

Another organizer, a member of SJP at UCLA who was also granted anonymity for safety reasons, said the chants at the walkout were not intended to be antisemitic, adding that a Jewish organization that supports Palestinian liberation was involved in planning the walkout.

“Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism. All our chants are never rooted in the direct harm of any race group or people,” they said. “It’s about the liberation and self-determination, self-realization of Palestinian people, and the misinterpretation of such is just a misunderstanding of the Palestinian cause.”

If it’s the below chant then the words are actually “Israel, Israel, you can’t hide. We charge you with genocide.”

“From the river to the sea” is a direct call for ethnic cleansing of 9 million people. It’s the dumbest thing to catch on for bored students. Anti zionism in that form is antisemitism. Anti israel government isn’t.


The most idiotic part is the idea that solution for massive violence is massive violence.



No it isn’t

I get why the Zionist project would want people to think so, because they require that Palestinians be on some sort of Antisemitic jihad to justify keeping them in the biggest concentration camp in the world, but it is most certainly not what you said. Sorry!


You do realize what from the river to sea means? It’s 100% of Israel.

He does but I suspect the whole point of the slogan is that a lot of Americans and in particular college students aren’t going to realize the implications of it.

yes it is.

you never interested in any discussion even though you are completely uninformed or educated about it.

the next paragraph is literally adam sandler movie material. you described being anti israeli government, not being anti zionist.

Totally agree. Its as stupid as racist Americans insisting that their Confederacy imagery is “heritage, not hate”. Its a willful ignorance of the clear intent.

i honestly have never heard anything out of bakes that wasn’t a twitter slogan so i doubt he can find Palestine or Israel on a map, let alone know where the river or the sea are.

But it’s good. Otherwise there would be no one to balance the awful Israelis who want to “flatten gaza”

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Al Jazeera are reporting that cease fire for hostages are “rapidly progressing”. I hope there’s some truth to it. I think Qatar have a lot at stake here being Hamas financier and hopefully they want to make the optics look better which would be beneficial for everyone


I’m super optimistic here but I wonder if Bibi is calling off the ground invasion because of all the backlash he’s been getting.

My chips are on the invasion has to happen. Just no way some bombing will be satisfying for a sense of justice.

It’s always nice to get moral purity from someone whose career is literally to based on bottom feeding.

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I’m sure it will be good for Israel’s citizens’ morale and peace of mind if they just send Hamas a sternly worded letter.

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The 31-year old Muslim says he took down the posters to protect both Jews and Muslims and he is also considering legal action against his employer.

I guess not.



they softened up the entrance (or one of them) last night
