2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

gl with that yemen


googling half a percent of the us population, of course the biggest state they are in by % is the most important one for 2024, Michigan.

LOL at thinking mr. muslim ban is going to be better for them though

Right now I’d say the most important state for Biden is Michigan. For Trump I think it’s Wisconsin.

Yeah, this is as bad a African Americans saying they would vote for Trump. There’s no reason to debate such people, they do not live in the world.

One the one hand, less than ideal strategy on Palestine. On the other hand, Muslim ban and 100% support for Netanyahu.

It’s understandable that people don’t want to feel taken for granted and have it assumed that they will automatically vote for the lesser of two evils. (Of course, I don’t think Biden is evil.) I think it’s important to acknowledge that people feel this way and that they’re not crazy for doing so, even if it’s not possible to accommodate them on one of their core issues.

Imagine a trolley with 200 Israelis on a track that just ends. If you do nothing, the trolley will crash and kill everyone aboard, but if you pull a lever, the trolley will switch onto a track where Palestinians are tied to the track and will be killed by the trolley running over them. Do you pull the lever? Does it depend on how many Palestinians are on the track?

Everything can be reduced to a version of the trolley problem.

Right politically there’s no position he can take that doesn’t piss someone off.

Jewish population is 2.5% of US, but .9% in michigan while arab is a bit over 1.5% there while being .5 or so nationally. Michigan was 2.76% margin in 2020. No matter what he did he was gonna piss off some democrat votes but gotta go with what you believe.

I’d say the answer for both is Pennsylvania or Arizona.

Going to be very hard to win the presidency if you lose both of those.

right wing is winning over a lot of muslims with their anti-lgbt stuff recently. gonna be a close one in michigan, i expect



The right will bite themselves in the ass on Muslims again at some point, like they did after 9/11. That racism is just too irresistible. They’re like the scorpion and the frog, except they sting themselves.

This is long, but an incredible read about how Republicans lost a lot of Muslim-American voters (who do naturally lean conservative).

From my favorite comic, extrafabulous comics:




Didnt watch but hes a nobody. He couldnt get in the top 35 in likud

So, if i have it straight, Russia supports Hamas and Trump likes Russia, but he likes Israel too and he likes the Saudis, who were starting to be ok with Israel but probably not so much now. Is that it?

Maybe Bibi and MBS can find a way to bond by jointly bombing Yemen

Biden and Blinken say they want to help Israel decisively defeat Hamas, but that they do not want to see suffering among ordinary Gazans or a broader regional conflict.

The negativity is surfacing in a variety of ways. One official described peers as “depressed and angry about it all,” while another said some staff are experiencing “resignation.” That official recalled a colleague in tears during a meeting over their view “that U.S. policy statements emphasized support for Israel over the lives of Palestinians.”

What’s the dissenters plan to defeat Hamas without causing Gazan suffering?

Arab-Americans should probably do some inner reflecting on their own antisemitism. The protests that popped up immediately after the terror attacks cheering on the resistance were fucking insane.