2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

Oh, if we could just return to the halcyon days when we were all submersible watercraft experts.

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We all started as poker experts and here we are.


That’s the core of the problem. :joy:


Both sides are lying, and I don’t see any way that some rando like me on the other side of the Earth has any reasonable expectation of knowing the truth.


Things seem a lot clearer to me today. My major objection to the video yesterday, which appeared to show a connection between a rocket failure and the explosion, was “how would a rocket be able to destroy a major building”. For some reason, the explanation “no major building was in fact destroyed” never occurred to me. I think it’s because the explosion looked quite large, but this is silly as impressive-looking fireballs don’t necessarily mean powerful explosions.

There’s a Twitter thread here with some footage from a mosque which was bombed by the Israelis. This is what the result of an airstrike looks like. It doesn’t look like a few burnt-out cars, a tiny crater and largely intact buildings.

Josh Marshall has a pretty good piece on this. I also enjoyed this:

Various parts of the left have not acquitted themselves well here.




Any particular reason why they have decided against removing these?

Dunno, but it’s refreshing to see disinformation on behalf of the Palestinians to help balance out disinformation on behalf of Israel.

This is one of those issues where everyone gets to create their own reality.

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This is in response to the Jewish protest at the capital. Im terrible at my logic but aren’t the photo inverse of white supremists black supremists?

Im assuming he means to say self hating jews but knows of you say that you’ll automatically be dismissed

White supremacists hate Jews so I have no clue wtf he is trying to say.

Here’s the Channel 4 dispatch on the hospital bombing. Points out that Israel does have munitions that could cause a small crater and less damage that they could have used and IDF’s explanations for what happened don’t seem to fit what happened or seem fabricated like the phone call intercept, but a misfired rocket is certainly plausible if not more than likely and Hamas says the have the Israeli warhead but magically haven’t presented it either.

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Israel dropped 6000 bombs in the first 6 days. If the goal was to destroy the hospital, wouldn’t it be destroyed?

Could be they were aiming for an orphanage and hit the hospital by accident.


Not too impressed with this piece. This “airburst munition” thing is just him parroting the latest thing spreading on Twitter. As far as I’m aware this also does not fit the facts at all. For example, there are no shrapnel holes in the roofs of the cars, and the surrounding palm trees are undamaged. If they have an expert who will say otherwise, they should present them, but I’m pretty sure it is just Twitter bullshit.

I have no idea about the Hamas recording obviously, I don’t really care about that. I’d rather rely on what I can actually see on the site than on what the IDF or Hamas have to say.

Obviously, a PIJ rocket and an Israeli rocket collided in the air right over the hospital and fell on it, the fusilli Jerry of rocket attacks.


Seems more reasonable assessment based on the evidence so far.


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This seems pointless.


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Who is Gavin Newsom?

Donald Trump Jr.'s Eskimo brother.