2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

People should have learned from 9/11 not to jump to conclusions. Obviously, we can’t trust Hamas, but I also trust Netanyahu about as much as I trusted the Bush administration after 9/11.


Seems like the ubiquity of cameras and recordings has been generally a good thing for getting to what the truth of the matter is. Depending on what interested parties say seems like a complete mess.

And people should have learned not to call it case closed on the whole matter after one unsourced photo gets posted on TwitterX, but Yggy’s gonna Yggy. .

You can say that again.

Sources seem to be fingering PIJ. If Hamas had just stuck to the seemingly accurate line that it wasn’t them without blaming Israel and just letting people assume that’s what they meant, would they have come out looking better?

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You should learn what the word “maybe” means.

Hamas’ global “brand”, for lack of a better word, is permanently destroyed by the brutality of their attack that escalated all this. There is no sequence of events where they come out looking better or good in the eyes of anyone other than other Islamic fundamentalists and the Palestinian man on the street who perceives them as the only force fighting for their interests.

Those are the only audiences they care about though right.

The hospital is confirmed intact trolly, Hamas are fos

The picture literally has the source on it

He clearly stated he had reservations about this claim.

That’s the whole problem though right. It’s not ok to make a wild speculation and then “protect yourself” by saying you are not sure. If you are not sure, don’t make the claim. Full stop.

Last night the chatter was that a Hamas rocket couldn’t possibly produce that much damage based on a Twitter video and now people are pretty sure certain an IDF bomb wouldn’t produce that kind of damage based on a different photo from Twitter. Even the legacy media outlets are biting on the disinfo that both sides are churning out, maybe let’s not take a Tweet from a known trolling substacker too seriously.

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Hamas rockets don’t have the ability to target anything, they’re just metal tubes that fly for as long as the simple solid rocket motors fire for.

so i’m still on the “what happened to the hundreds of people that died?” part of the whole thing. cnn is running that biden said something about the other team, but still claiming there was a “blast that killed hudnreds”. keep in mind biden also said that he personally saw photos of the beheaded 40 babies.

is the current explanation that the cars all chain exploded from part of a rocket like in a michael bey movie and killed people in the hospital? or did the people just simply not die and are still around? why are we showing pictures of a burned parking lot as evidence of what?

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I mean who was Hamas PIJ aiming for when launching it? Sure they’re not guided missiles but they must have some accuracy, right? Like they go in the general direction of where aimed with a higher probability than going 90-180 degrees, yeah? Otherwise people probably wouldn’t bother using them.

Lots and lots of people with egg on their faces this morning.

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Honestly I think point of the Hamas missiles is to cause terror rather than to hit anything in particular. They launch them in the general area of Israel and hope they hit an apartment building or something.


Scary thing is the propaganda wins in the end. It’s like fact checking Trump. It’s close to pointless. 98% of people will forever believe yesterday’s version of the story for all time.

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