2023 Israel Conflict - Ground Forces Enter Gaza

I mean, during really bad covid we did exactly that for quite some time. Hell there was a few weeks where we took people’s pulse ox and sent them home if it was normal without any eval or note.

Oh gmafb talked about something I know about, there’s no need to be insufferable

You know that this is just childish behavior and nothing more right? Like the fact that you have strong feelings doesn’t make you right, and the fact those strong feelings make it so that you can’t have a basic discussion about something were people mildly challenge you doesn’t make you a moral crusader on the side of justice. It’s just thin skinned whinging

I seriously doubt you all didn’t put an MDs name on a note or a discharge/death summary for people you all actually performed procedures on. You all were not trying to conceal your identity, you were busy. I’m sure your med orders had names on them in your EMR. Details aside the larger point is you were not actively trying to conceal your identities.

And the whole point of article is that presumably Israeli doctors are the ones blowing the whistle on the medical care arrangements


“But do you condemn Hamas”

Jfc man, its a parody of a parody at this point. If you can point to one post from one person on this board who says they support Hamas, Ill pull back. But im pretty sure you can’t.


Was Sean Burrows being held in a military prison?

Is there any evidence that the person who died after 44 days took a single hostage or was involved with Hamas in any way?

You repeated over and over upthread “If thats true its terrible” but now some random who died who (and im quite confident in saying this) you absolutely cannot prove had any ties to Hamas is A-ok because some group he isn’t affiliated with murdered hostages? Are you reading what youre fucking writing before hitting send?


I mean you can doubt all you want but you’re wrong. So carry on I guess. The fuck would I know? (Although tbf, I never did the triage job. As I was a few months from graduating residency at the time, I did a bunch of critical care stuff that was… sparsely documented I guess? We kept a paper vent sheet that was signed out, meds were mostly ordered kind of, drips weren’t documented on changes, we had no attending supervision overnight in the ICU - it was wild. We did no progress notes overnight. It’s the kind of shit that happens when you expand your ICU capacity by > 5x in a few weeks).

I’m actually interested a little now it what type of documentation would be expected in this kind of spot, but I don’t know someone I would trust to give me some perspective.

The issue you have is that it wouldn’t be unreasonable for an Israeli doctor to fear for some retaliatory attack outside of the hospital. Could they be covering up war crimes? Sure I guess, but the simpler and more sane concern is that they fear they may be knifed or gun downed in the street by a family member down the line.

I’d be far more interested in actual acts. None of have been provided. That’s why it’s not compelling.

Never realized after all these years that my mom was incorrect and two wrongs do in fact make a right. I’ll be sure to tell her tomorrow.


Is CN likely to be conscripted for the war too? Best they got. Phone ringing soon.

Need to make sure you got 6 months left before passport expiry (on your return date to USA#47) and no ammo in your luggage (my tips for Mericans travelling abroad for the first time)

Ceasefire not worked out then… 3rd day of Rafah expansion

Why would the documentation of medical treatment of someone who is incarcerated or prisoner of war be any different than standard of care in the country they are detained?

ETA- actually would say seems on average the documentation when providing care to vulnerable populations such as prisoners should be more extensive than standard of care due to the historical abuses of medical professionals in regard to vulnerable individuals.

ETA2- all this seems quite a distraction from the non-medical abuses listed. Bottom line from medical standpoint is sounds Israeli doctors actually working there are concerned about the departure from what they are used to as a standard of care.

Thanks mate. I meant more this thread.

I didn’t realise that I needed to convince my fellow forum humans that torture, beatings, murder, arrest without trial, degradation and psychological humiliation were bad things.

And for the record, I’m still checked out of this discussion, not going to play the “it’s only torture if it comes from the torturous region of France” bullshit that is inevitably coming in response.


Bizarre thought.

Really? If these people are combatants they are supposed to be treated in accord with the Geneva conventions, which is a lot better than diapers. If they are not combatants then they shouldn’t be in custody at all. And Jesus Christ at what Hamas does being an excuse. You know in 1944 the USA had actual Nazi fighters in POW camps. Not in diapers.

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Straight fascist shit. He doesn’t like putting prisoners in diapers, so he’s an ISIS-Lover.



I’m sure Barak Obama’s secretary of state is to extreme for you, but she makes sense to me. Maybe Kennedy or Tulsi Gabbard or Cornel West has a better position for you. I doubt Bernie Does.

lol lmao, simp did you just wake up today and decide that for Saturday you were gonna go hard in defense of war crimes and a guy that likes child porn?


Obama’s FP was so much better his second term with Kerry than his first with HRC it’s not funny. Pretty much every bad thing (coup in Honduras, troop surge in Iraq and Afghanistan, forcing Haiti to keep minimum wage at $0.33/hr, bombing of Libya causing yet another failed state) was with HRC and pretty much every good thing (draw down troop levels in Iraq/Afghanistan/Syria, open relations with Cuba) happened with Kerry as SoS.


So you specialize in not knowing what you’re talking about? Of course Bernie does. Anyone paying attention knows that he’s been pushing for restricting the arms sent to Israel to only defensive systems (Iron Dome/missile defense).


Are suggesting Bernie has to be hawkish on Israel because he’s a Jew?

I would expect him to at least be understanding of the difficulty of Isreal’s situation regarding Hamas. It looks like he wants a cease fire with strong humanitarian corridors (though when Israel isn’t shooting aid trucks, Hamas is).

Bernie’s ultimate solution seems to be “a new generation” of leadership for both sides so they work things out. A two state solution was on the table 25 years ago, Palestinians rejected it, and right wing Isrealies put an end to dialogue. A pox on both their houses.