2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

This isn’t new. America has always been the Sopranos writ large.

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They really need to start thinking outside the box.

Only if his support team is involved

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I mean, most of the rest of the world didn’t go for parliamentary systems for no reason.

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Why not Joe rogan for speaker.



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Because fuck you, that’s why.


They’re saying vote 10 AM. That’s like 15 hours to issue more threats.

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From 2007.

Why hasn’t Trump named and shamed?

He wants the party to come crawling to him to save them? More likely after achieving maximum chaos.

What would a non-member Speaker do? And yes I have no idea what the House Speaker does except bang the gavel.

There will never be a nonmember speaker. It’s a fake dogs playing basketball exception.

The speaker is the political and parliamentary leader of the House and is simultaneously its presiding officer, de facto leader of the body’s majority party, and the institution’s administrative head. Speakers also perform various other administrative and procedural functions.

Trump would probably show up for one day and just casually walk around the floor grabbing papers off of random desks and rip them up like Pelosi did with his state of the union.

Trump is a huge member though. As speaker he could generate tons of media attention. Probably skirting all the gag orders, given speech or debate protection, to intimidate witnesses, menace prosecutors and judges, pollute jury pools, and generally muddy the water.

Both Republicans.



That literally tells me nothing about what the Speaker actually does except physically bang the gavel, and yell at people when they’re out of order (I forgot about that one).

The most relevant power is that the Speaker sets the legislative agenda, such as which bills actually get brought to the floor for a vote. The Freedom Caucus wants a Speaker who won’t allow votes on things with bipartisan support like funding the war in Ukraine or no-strings-attached funding of government.