2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS


Reading that the alternative is make the McHenry guy currently running things the indefinite temporary speaker and “empower” him to do some stuff.

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Apparently Jordan is the only current Rep who has been involved in a wrestling rape scandal. Republicans need a deeper bench imo.


Yeah, what is the deal with Newhouse?

I thought they voted for him the first round (knowing he had no shot) for looks. Gotta keep them MAGA constituents happy. It was expected that he’d lose by an even bigger margin today

But I’m not sure about any of this



I have a tough time believing this. That strategy doesn’t make sense to me.

If he had gone from 200 to 180, this would be done right now. From 200 to 199 though, there’s room for him to recover.

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lol that’s amazing if true

GOP Rep Mike Lawler continued: “Democrats need to look in the mirror here. They helped create this mess so they’re going to have to help get out of it. So if a resolution is put on the floor to give Patrick the ability to serve as a temporary speaker it would be the height of hypocrisy to vote against it.”



It makes sense if their purpose is to humiliate him as much as possible, which would be hilarious, but I don’t believe it either.

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What exactly is the tortured logic that Democrats created this?

They didn’t vote to keep McCarthy in place

That’s it? Even for them that’s pretty pathetic.

Yep the Dems voted for “chaos”

IMO Jordan’s play is to claim he won the vote and start running the House as Speaker.


Dems voted against hostage-taking by legislative terrorists by opposing any regime that can be taken down easily by a motion to vacate. Dems would like to empower a Speaker to do the right thing without any fears over job security, including funding for Ukraine/Israel and avoiding a government shutdown.

Everything bad the Rs do is actually the Dems fault.

I wish the Democrats were cunning enough to put the Rs in a bind like this.


They did in fact vote for the MTV and Jeffries, hoping for exactly this bind. I admit not much cunning was required, but a little was.