2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

It doesn’t even take courage to fuck Jordan. These people are just spineless. Glad a few have integrity, or at least a more nuanced appreciation of their long term self interest.

I swear to God, the day after Trump dies they will claim not to remember who he is.

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This is such a stupid thing to watch, but I’m enjoying it tremendously.


Does NYTimes have it out for Zeldin? They were also missing his photo yesterday

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A grey circle does capture his spirit.


Glad the GOP isn’t going to bring a floor vote until they have a speaker.

Yeah I don’t know what is wrong with me but this definitely feels like a cry for help


Might be because Zeldin is not a current member of the house. All those other guys are.

And he’s not some old guard. He’s the 43 year old prior congressman from the same district. The only thing the guy who nominated him knows is that his constituents previously voted for Zelden.

Apparently a charm offensive from Gym Jordan is 1 part charm 4 parts offensive. Losing ground.


Candace Miller of Michigan appears to have gotten quite a reaction. I guess this is her?

Boehner lol

I think there’s a joke here about wrestlers not learning to count past 3



Rough day for Gym. If you have 24 hours to convince people and your vote goes down, then you’re not very good at convincing people.

Scalise voted for Jordan

Lol, didn’t realize the GOP had a fresh of the boat Ukrainian in its caucus.




She should nominate Zelensky.

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He did yesterday as well. Did he say he would only vote for him on the first ballot? Hard to keep track of all these liars sometimes

Ah, did not realize that.

Jordan’s doing worse than first round, but I still think I’d bet on him over anyone else. It’s a game of chicken, and I think the crazies are more willing to crash their car than the spineless moderates.