2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

I nominate a Sonos Era 300 for Speaker.



Seems like a good PR play - no way he takes it, but makes Dems look like they are being bi-partisan and trying to keep a functioning government.


He wears a bowtie, so he’s definitely not a weird little freak.


So why do Republicans hate Jordan? I know why they can’t get a non Freedom Caucas member to be Speaker, the FC won’t allow it. But non FC members won’t vote for a FC member either?

Cue the “drain the swamp” soundtrack

I think many establishment and “moderate” R’s hate the Freedom Caucus. Possible it’s based on morals/wanting to actually govern, but also likely that prior to the FC they had a pretty easy grift going pandering to corporate interests. Now they have to work hard to pander to the crazies so they don’t get primaried - which I’d assume is a big pain and also makes it harder to grift off the corporate lobbyists.

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The non-FC guys actually want to do basic governance at some level and having an unhinged slapdick like Jim Jordan in charge makes that difficult. Maybe he’s also unpleasant on a collegial level.


My understanding is that Jordan has been cancer from his first day in office in 2007 and was involved in the coups against Boner and Ryan. The GOP is fucking crazy these days, and most of the members haven’t been there for long, but plenty dislike Jordan, probably a good deal more than 60 who voted against him. He is a founding member of the Freedumb caucus, he’s not good at raising serious corporate money, and there are some “moderates” and like 14 reps in districts Biden won. Add that up, and no way Jordan gets 217.

Hes certainly unpleasant on a collegiate level, thats for sure




Jeffries put out a statement soliciting a deal with R centrists.

So what is the most likely outcome of this speaker turmoil?

They either have to give into Matt Gaetz and MTG or shitlib centrists. My money is on the former.

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give into Matt Gaetz and MTG

Isn’t that just a government shutdown?

Like the shitlib assholes like Josh fucking Gottheimer won’t even ask for much. Probably some dogshit like 45 day government funding. And they still won’t do it because the only way to lose a Republican primary is do anything that looks like cooperation with Dems.

I think that is the plan - ask for just a little so you seem reasonable, knowing R’s will still refuse. This allows you to campaign on being bi-partisan and working to keep a functioning government (whether that has any real value is a different question - it does probably help districts with a decent number of government workers). I’m assuming that the offer was made with full support from Dem leadership - but they are allowing people in swing districts to take the lead to get full “credit.”

Also, even if R’s accept, you can always ask for more later since this situation doesn’t really have a permanent solution.

Republicans are just obeying the wishes of the people who voted for them.

Hey, stomping their feet and acting like toddlers has served the boomers well so far, why stop now.