2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS




Not a chance imo. Doesnā€™t add anything.

Knives out


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You could have expelled him but you didnā€™t. Get fucked.

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lmao the thoughts and prayers from gaetz is p great

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Working on it!

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A lot to chew on here.

Other key findings from the study:

Voters under 30 continued to strongly support the Democratic Party, voting 68% to 31% for Democratic candidates. But this margin was somewhat narrower than in 2018. Republicans benefitted more from significant drop off in voter turnout among younger age groups between 2018 and 2022, since young voters tend to support Democrats. Voters under 30 accounted for 10% of the electorate in 2022 ā€“ similar to their share of all voters in 2018 (11%), but down from 2020 (14%). To learn more about voter demographics, such as age, race & ethnicity, religion and community type, refer to Chapter 3 of this report.

Ideological polarization by party was nearly complete in 2022: Only 1% of self-described conservative Republicans voted for Democratic House candidates and less than 1% of liberal Democrats voted Republican.

Voting in person on Election Day increased sharply in 2022 compared with 2020. More voters reported casting ballots in person on Election Day in both parties, but the share remained much higher among Republican voters (51%) than among Democratic voters (34%).

White voters without college degrees made up a majority (54%) of Republican voters in 2022, compared with 27% of Democratic voters. Yet these voters made up a somewhat greater share of GOP voters in 2020 (58%) and 2018 (57%).

Voters ages 50 and older were a larger share of the total in 2022 (64%) than in any of the past three elections. 70% of Republican voters were 50 or older, as were 57% of Democratic voters.

Hispanic voters continued to support Democrats, but by a much smaller margin than in 2018: Hispanic voters favored Democratic candidates by a 21-point margin in 2022, compared with a 47-point margin in 2018. This change was driven by asymmetric changes in voter turnout among Hispanic adults, rather than changing preferences among individual Hispanic voters.

Black voters continued to support Democrats by overwhelming margins: 93% voted for Democrats in the midterms while 5% supported Republicans. This is similar to levels of support in 2020, 2018 and 2016. Black voters made up 9% of the electorate in both 2022 and 2018 and 11% of the electorate in 2020.

The Republican advantage among White evangelical Protestants was somewhat larger in 2022 than in the past three elections. 86% supported Republican candidates in 2022 and only 12% voted Democratic.

Isnā€™t lower turnout from the party in power fairly standard?

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This and also the general level of political engagement from youngs has to be much less than 2020. No Trump, no Floyd, not much Covid, Biden and the fossil Dems suck.



Maybe heā€™ll get drafted if Jordan canā€™t get in.

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Jim Jordans follows the Republican tradition of wrestling sexual abuse. What are the fucking odds?

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That whole case is terrible. Hes a fucking monster

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A monster that the Democrats forced us to elect? This is what YOU wanted.

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Why did Trump pick the pedophile for Speaker? Too dumb to realize he canā€™t win? Even if he could, how does that help Trump? Impeach Biden?

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Trump just likes assholes that suck up to him. Gym Jordan checks all the boxes.

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Hmm. Maybe he really does want the job. Publicly stand Jordan up while secretly undermining him then step in as the unity candidate when Jordan inevitably fails.

I still donā€™t think Trump can win a vote but maybe heā€™s ok with that as long as he can blame Ds and RINOs, create max chaos, and absorb all the attention.

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