2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

Can you imagine Trump sitting behind Biden during his next State of the Union speech?


McCarthy? More like McCancelled

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And these people will all get reelected and 50% of America will vote for them in 2024. What more can you say.


And much higher than that % had no idea who was Speaker before today and won’t know after today, either :man_shrugging:


The thing I am confused by is Gaetz literally the joker. He just wants chaos? Does he actually have a policy goals.

I think it’s just an ego thing. This elevates him to national attention - plus good chance he just really hates McCarthy.

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Dumb question, but why did all Dems automatically vote for this?

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Why should they support McCarthy? He’s screwed them over numerous times and treated them like shit. He also offered them nothing in return for their votes. Voting to save him, just because the alternate might be worse doesn’t seem like the right path.


He went from sponsoring an amendment to allow same-sex couples to adopt in Florida to voting against DOMA in Congress, so he seems mainly in it for power. He’s supposedly trying to raise his profile to run for governor.

He’s turned into a knee-jerk anti-establishmentarian and those guys are always nuts.

He might be a sincere anti-interventionist who opposes aid to Ukraine, but maybe Russia is supplying him with appropriately-aged honeypots.

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Why is he still talking, no one cares




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Wait, hold that, extended take that it’s 1930 and Putin is Hitler but somehow sending Ukraine money is bad

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Is it possible the Dems could pull a few GOP critters sick of this shit to elect a moderate Dem as speaker?

Even a 1% shot at that means ousting McCarthy is gto.

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no, 0% chance


I doubt it, but that probably doesn’t have a chance of happening unless this drags on long enough to lead to a government shutdown.

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The other two options are the Gaetz rapist crew caving to the rest for a McCarthy type or the vast majority of the GOP making Gaetz(or a Gaetz surrogate)speaker.

Neither of those seem likely either. As others have said I’m here for the shitshow.

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Shutdown is in like 6 weeks.

Republicans are in sufficient disarray that this could last weeks.

Ya i meant i think this lasts until then or longer.

I think Republicans being so dysfunctional that we get a government shutdown of at least a week is the ideal outcome for Democrats.

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