2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

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“What are you going to do, stab me?”


Ista quidem vis est!

this guy this guy’s


Hey, they’re coming around to our point of view!


At this point the only way to avoid a shutdown, and maybe for Kevvie Mac to keep his Speaker job, is for whatever passes for “moderate” Republicans in the House to actually work with Dems. Good gods.

The funny part was they couldn’t adjourn for a while because they couldn’t get the votes for it

Very normal and sane


A great way to mess with people who actually believe this is to tell them that being sex trafficked in Ukraine is a better fate than being raised in line with Marjorie Taylor Greene’s beliefs.

I’ve shut up a few Q idiots by saying stuff along those lines to their faces. It might get me shot eventually, but for now it works and is very enjoyable.



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If they’re going to ditch him anyway, he should allow a vote on the Senate continuing resolution. But I doubt he will bc he wants to hold onto power to the last moment and there’s no amount of humiliation he won’t bear.

What would McCarthy give up to remain Speaker?


“If there was any kind of a deal to be made, it would need to be written into the rules of the House,” she said Thursday afternoon. “We would need to codify power-sharing because that’s the only way we can trust him.”

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Then what happens? Eventually someone is going to have to cut a deal with Democrats to fund the government derp.

The Republicans might ask you to hold their beers.

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Not too often you get to watch a person’s face get eaten by a leopard in real time.

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So Gaetz single subject spending bill plan is that they will just fund all the stuff they want and none of the stuff they don’t want? Genius.