2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS


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Sure, he’s terrible, and he likely even has a massively negative VORP for what’s possible from this district. Still,

  1. He’s massively, massively better than any republican.
  2. Failing to win primaries is not just about conspiracies from powerful Democrats. It’s also about failing to have convinced average Joe Democratic voters. Only the latter of those things you might have control over, and that’s something to be worked on for next time.

It’s not inherently wrong to primary incumbents in safe seats. Leftists would have more power if they successfully primaried more mainstream Democrats in safe seats. That they don’t has more to do with their own electoral impotence than anything the establishment does to put their thumbs on the scale.

Bowman wasn’t a perfect fit for his district and he was targeted because he was defeatable. He wasn’t defeated just because he was targeted.

Is the guy who won the primary better than the republican he’s going to run against? Generally, blue no matter who isn’t bullshit because the worst blue candidate is still miles ahead of the red candidate.

depends on what “better” means

the only real definition is matters is “able to get more votes”

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he was mostly vulnerable because the establishment dems made a choice to make his district less diverse than it was previously. the person who had a major say in that redistricting was Latimer’s campaign manager.

Not for nothing, but the Working Families party kept Crowley as their nominee in 2018 and he got like 10k votes. He didn’t campaign (iirc neither did the Republican) but several Dems encouraged him to. Lots of news here about this at the time.

I can’t believe I forgot this but Crowley also hilariously ran against her on the “Women’s Equality” ticket! Really a genuinely awful example you cherrypicked there.