2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

The media needs to know who won before they can describe the results as bad news for Joe Biden.


looks like the bad guys won in new york… we now have a republican billionaire and aipac funded geriatric replacing one of the better members of the house…

good stuff.

thanks Hillary!


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God fuck these people and their vote blue no matter who bullshit so hard

And they’ll continue to blame leftists for not supporting them, as if it’s a fucking mystery


What a privileged baby.

“My guy didn’t win this time! Waaaaaaaaaa! Burn it all to the ground (in a way that won’t affect me adversely) instead!” Do you flip over the table after losing at Catan too?

The only ethical and mature path is to do the best you can do at every opportunity you have. Sometimes, you will do the best you can do and still lose. Better fuck over everyone else and retreat to your happy place, assured of your own moral purity, amirite? Fuck that, no. You keep going, do the best you can, and try again.

There will be more primaries. There will be more general elections. You are always going to be better off fighting to improve on a suboptimal guy from your team rather than rolling back rights 70 years and then trying to rewin battles people already bled and died to win.

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Stop pretending centrists supporting candidates they prefer is somehow illegitimate.

“Boy, I sure am glad Trump got to pick three Scotus justices for lifetime appointments and kill a million Americans more than would have died under Hillary.”

–Morally pure leftists who don’t have to support anyone who is less than perfect.

that’s why all those “centrists” donated to his campaign and ran the smear ads right?

centrist AIPAC recruited him to run for the benefit of all centrists…

Refreshing to see you can still buy these kinds of races outright like in the old-timey days.

It only ever goes one way, as the post after you so eloquently puts it:

Stop pretending leftists supporting candidates they prefer is somehow illegitimate. And stop acting surprised when centrist fucks repeatedly punch left and then find themselves with no support from the left.

The very fact that you had a preferred candidate in office who lost means that everyone can see that your histrionics are false.

Support your leftists candidates. Vote for them. Argue for them on the internet. Donate to them. Knock on doors for them. It’s good. It’s foolishness and hubris to think that they’ll always win. They may not even win most of the time. The very nature of being well to the left of the populace means that you should expect to lose popularity contests most of the time. But that’s not an excuse to favor an outcome that undermines everything you’ve ever wanted just because the other option beat your best.

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The other option is often the exact thing that my preferred candidates would oppose, so… No. Centrists deserve leftist support but leftists never deserve centrist support, it only goes one way and centrists should just accept the bed that they’re making for themselves.


Is whatshisname gonna vote for a national abortion ban? Ban gender affirming care nationally? Ban gay marriage once Obergefell is overturned? Overturn Title IX and the Civil Rights Act? Ban public schools from requiring vaccines? That’s what you’re up against, man.

This is, of course, bullshit, too. AOC won. No one was telling centrists in her district to burn it all down and vote GOP.

If you expect centrist voters to vote for leftist candidates in primaries, the work to be done is on convincing centrist voters to move left, not to elect republicans.

I completely get what you’re saying and often feel the same way. But MrWookie also makes sense. We shouldn’t be willing to give up 70 years of progress because individual battles didn’t go our way. It’s the long run we’re after and sometimes it’s 3 steps forward and 2 back

Right, and we can apply that simplistic logic to literally every person to the left of Trump. Romney? Gotta vote for him, orange man bad. The return of HW Bush? Still better than Trump. The ghost of Reagan? Better get out and vote or you’re contributing to the downfall of society.

An objectively worse candidate primaried a SUPER safe Dem seat and leftists should just shrug and accept it because Hillary fucking Clinton said so, and don’t forget orange man bad!

Move to the right, lose votes. Actions have consequences. Stop yelling at leftists for getting fed up with this shit.


i mean he specifically said he would tank climate change reform and wealth taxes, he attempted to delay desegregation in his past and judging by the amount of money aipac spent on him, i’m guessing he has some warmachine opinions that would be similar to whatever NY republican would end up in that seat otherwise.

i’m not saying we should burn it all down necessarily, but this dude is basically the new york version of Cueller without the veneer of “electability”. good job good effort NY dems.


we also can’t ignore the knock on effect from AIPAC and the GOP donors spending big money to knock out a dem incumbent in a primary. they will most certainly be distributing talking points and memos saying we took out bowman we will take out you as well.

