2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

If you think the election is still in the balance, then both of these would seem to help Trump significantly.

GOP chair from Ohio urging him to declassify.

Itā€™s definitely that MS13 hit squads have infiltrated the US via the open border.

Whatever it is, it involves something that came into the country over the border. Book it.

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Taylor Swift is KGB

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ā™Ŗ Why canā€™t you see?
I am KGB
I am KGB ā™«

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I could be wrong, but I disagree. Those actions would be a huge risk and I donā€™t think Putin is that big a gambler, really. He is coming after the US, NATO, and the West, but more incrementally. This guy spells out a likely strategy here.

Youā€™re right, the nuke in Ukraine is very risky. I think hacking America is less risky and would definitely be painted by the GOP and media as ā€œold Biden asleep at the switch and letting our secrets get stolenā€.

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We were in the ballpark with the space and nukes parts.

This is not to drop a nuclear weapon onto earth but rather to possibly use against satellites.

It sounds like yet another attempt to amp up anxiety about nuclear war. Similar to their moving nukes to Belarus, changing alert levels, talking about nuking the UK, etc. Trying to freshen up stale material.

I donā€™t think the Chinese would look too kindly on them if the Russians actually try to do it.

Wow, suddenly my X feed is nothing but this.


What could possibli go wrong?


Space shmase, this is not relevant to our daily lives.

Also Putin probably only doing that because we provoked him by saying ā€œno nukes in spaceā€.

The pandemic plot had already been teased by that time though, no Chekovā€™s virus this time that I know of.

Trump really ahead of his time getting the Space Force formed. :leolol:

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Thereā€™s some speculation about two recent Russian rocket launches with secret military payloads. If those launches are related to todayā€™s news, something may be already deployed. But Iā€™d guess even if so, they were just the first steps in a program. Testing.

Coincidentally there is a House vote tomorrow about reauthorizing some spy shit.

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Public enemy #1


Berger writes about space and rockets. Big Musk fan.


Iā€™m really curious about what this thing is and how it might work. Hoping other space related accounts have something to add soon.

Edit: There is, of course, a treaty that bans nuclear weapons in space. It even predates the episode of Star Trek that showed the possible consequences. Russia signed in 1967 (as the Soviet Union). So technically they would have to withdraw before going all the way with this.

Space has always belonged to Russia. Ever heard of Laika?

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First they drop NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT and then they go on vacation? I get the impression these clowns arenā€™t all on the same page.


Current and former officials said the nuclear weapon was not in orbit.

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Yeah, ok if this is right I donā€™t see how itā€™s worth it unless Putin is ready to YOLO.


But otoh I wonder if the threat of something like this would explain Elon kissing Putinā€™s ass the way he is.

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Other people see it this way too.



Interesting contradictory reporting on this, saying it is a nuclear powered satellite, not nuclear armed. Still a serious problem though.

Iā€™ve seen enough. This scare is probably about a nuclear-powered electronic warfare satellite, not a bomb. People are pointing out that if they wanted to detonate a nuke at high altitude to take out everything in low earth orbit, they can already do this, and more easily, with a ground-launched missile.* And whatā€™s more, the Russian program has been public knowledge for a while. It had stalled but is apparently on again.

So wtf? Mike Turner was probably using the news to push his own agenda. This includes domestic spying and, unfortunately in this case, Ukraine aid. There will be backlash.


*And this would be effective. The US did it, accidentally, in the '60s.