2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

I’m triggered by the matching trousers.

This new guy doesn’t seem very chill.


This one is even spicer.

“Why is same-sex marriage a threat? The answer is simple: because we tamper with God’s created order at our peril.”

“If you were shocked at the moral lapses at the SuperBowl, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

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seems like as always, D’s not making a deal when they had a chance is going to backfire in the end.

Or maybe this results in a solid House majority in 2024. Anyway, no deal was offered.


I think it’s super sad that so many of the most ardent gay-haters are overcompensating for their own self-hatred over same-sex urges. It’s truly terrible that the culture in which they were raised has forced them into a position where their perfectly natural and acceptable preferences are so shamed that they turn around and inflict punishment on others, so that they may not enjoy the freedom that the hater has been denied.


I’m under the impression house majority leader will mean absolutely nothing to who wins the house in 2024.


“Homosexual marriage is the dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy that could doom even the strongest Republic”

But enough about the Republican Party in 2023


Guarantee Mr Johnson has had some anal penetration, not to shame him.

Does Mr. Johnson coach wrestling?

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Republicans are going to shut down the government and then CNN is going to both sides it by saying Democrats removed McCartney.


It’s like those fundraising emails: President Trump is going to review the people who signed this letter. Will your name be on it? Sign now for 10x match!!!

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Whole family cutting dashing figures donning L.L. Bean’s Fall Intolerance line


2024’s gonna be one state difference and the biggest shitshow in american politics right?

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Don’t threaten me with a good time


Evil twins.

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This will be a one seat D pickup.


The new speaker once acknowledged white privilege!