2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

Mike Johnson seems like a total psychopath. Hope he goes down tomorrow.

Maybe, but it seems like a choice of what bread you want your shit sandwich on to me.

call it a hunch, but I think Rā€™s will pick white bread


Earlier in the thread I predicted the moderates would cave eventually and vote for Gym. I was wrong on that obviously, but Iā€™m not sure why they voted against him. Was it the election denying? I am thinking this was not it. It was probably just that heā€™s an asshole, and people donā€™t like him personally. Iā€™m sure the strongarm tactics backfired a little as well.

With Mike Johnson, I am assuming they (the moderates) will vote for him even though heā€™s an election denier as well. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re tired of looking like buffoons, and if Johnson has a thin veneer of ā€œnormalnessā€, they might vote for him just to put an end to the bad optics. (Bad poker analogy: when youā€™re low on chips at the end of the tourney, any hand that is not total shit looks good.) This would fit in with the idea that some/many of the never Trumpers basically want Trump, just in a slightly sanitized package. So even if Johnson is basically the same as Gym, conservative-wise, heā€™s just a little more presentable.

Counterpoint: I am not good at predicting what these bozos will do


Weā€™re as little as 2 hours away from formal nominations and a floor vote and there is no public opposition from any R member. Donā€™t see how Johnson loses now.

I guess Massie is against. But that was last night and no one else has joined him since.


It sure sounds like heā€™s gonna make it across the finish line but anything is possible.

Circus is over. For now.

Theyā€™re going to portray this guy as the ā€œreasonableā€ compromise when he is anything but that.

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Lol yeah total centrist, voting against certifying a legal election and all.

He sponsored a ā€œreligious freedomā€ law in Louisiana to protect those who want to discriminate against LGBTQ people.




He also wants to punish people
Who get abortions with hard labor

Two weeks is closest.


This guy is going to be a disaster for the country. Hope his term doesnā€™t last long.

He only got in because heā€™s a blank slate. Letā€™s hope he sucks at fundraising and managing the House.

Unlike Pelosi, I would be surprised if he manages the house in a way that is helpful to Republicans in Biden districts.

If I were betting on this stuff I feel like Iā€™d go broke underestimating how incompetent these guys are, but my guess is this guy is it at least until the next election.


Yeah, I think 2024 is the relevant date. There may be 5 to oppose him if he turns his back on Ukraine.

Mitch will probably have to outplay him on that.


So this Johnson Rod is a real gem eh?

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