2023-2024 House of Representatives Shitshow Containment: MAGA Mike XXS

Tom Emmer, from the district that brought you Michele Bachmann.

WTF is wrong with that place?

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lol Tom Emmer, a total piece of crap who is too much of an adult for a good portion of the GOP


Man, what a dilemma. I mean, I am a huge, huge Emmer fan, but who wants to marginalize giants like Johnson, Donalds or Hern? It is a real shame we only have one house. James Madison was truly an idiot.



55/45 split doesn’t bode well for getting 217.




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lol who did Gaetz vote for? Jesus Christ these fucking people.

I understand that Speaker of the House is an historically important position, and that politicians are uniquely narcissistic. That being said, it’s obvious that the outcome here is nothing but embarrassment and shame. McCarthy’s brief tenure is the absolute ceiling that anyone can hope for.

What on earth possesses anyone to volunteer for this position?




Bigger and more plentiful grifting opportunities.

It’s not a quality of life choice, more one of legacy. A lot of work in the short term, but your name will go down in history like McCarthey, that dude who raped a bunch of kids and, you know, all those other guys.



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If only these ghouls had the capacity to feel shame. But I assume you mean us normies will be ashamed, ayup.

I think this is evidence Trump wants the speakership for himself.


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If a small group of Rs eventually cut a deal with the Ds, do they have the ability to get a vote on their nominee? This latest guy seems like he’s in the center of the R Caucus, I don’t know how they will find a better option.

Color me surprised the moderates didn’t fold when it was Jordan’s turn.

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I don’t think Trump wants the Speakership for himself, but I think he doesn’t want anyone who voted to certify the 2020 election in that role.

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